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kohli是什么意思 kohli的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-08-13 14:10:16
  • 92

kohli是什么意思 kohli的读音、翻译、用法

1. 拼写和发音:Kohli是由五个字母组成的单词,读作/koh-lee/。学生需要熟练掌握这个单词的拼写和发音,以便在日常生活和学习中正确使用。


- Kohli is the captain of the Indian cricket team.

- How do you spell Kohli's name?

- Many people misounce Kohli's name, but it's actually easy to say.

2. 人名: Kohli是印度著名的板球运动员维拉特·科尔希的姓氏。学生需要了解这个名字的背景和重要性,以便在相关话题中进行交流和讨论。


- Kohli is one of the best batsmen in the world.

- Did you know that Kohli has broken many records in cricket?

- The Indian team relies on Kohli for his leadership and performance.

3. 文化历史:Kohli这个名字在印度文化中有一定的重要性和意义。学生可以了解更多关于这个名字的文化历史和传统,以拓展自己的文化知识。


- In Hindu mythology, Kohli is the name of a powerful deity.

- Many Indian families choose to name their sons after Virat Kohli.

- Kohli's success has inspired a new generation of cricket players in India.

4. 缩写词: Kohli也可以是某些缩写词的代称,如Kolkata Online Health Initiative、Keepers of Hope for the Lost and Lonely、Koala Hospital Port Macquarie等。学生需要了解这些缩写词的含义和用法,在研究和交流相关话题时能够使用。


- The KOLHI program provides online health resources to people in Kolkata.

- Keepers of Hope for the Lost and Lonely is a non-profit organization that supports homeless and vulnerable populations.

- The Koala Hospital in Port Macquarie is dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating injured koalas.

5. 单词联想: Kohli这个单词可能会引发学生对其他相关话题的联想,如板球、运动员、印度文化等。老师可以利用这些联想,引导学生进行更全面的探究和思考。


- Kohli's success has made cricket more popular in India.

- Who are some other famous Indian athletes besides Kohli?

- What are some other aspects of Indian culture that interest you?


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