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grinders是什么意思 grinders的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-06 12:30:41
  • 766

grinders是什么意思 grinders的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词释


- 法官(Grinder),在美国中指那些坚持保守主义、支持保守派的联邦法官。

- 磨床车(Grinder),在铁路工程中指那些用于修整轨道的特殊车辆或机器。

- 耐力跑(Grinder),一种体育竞技项目,参赛者需要在限定时间内跑完一定的距离。

2. 例句

- I need to grind some coffee beans, do you know where the grinder is?


- The new grinder in the workshop has made our job much easier.


- The judge was known to be a grinder, as he often handed down very conservative rulings.


- I have been training for the grinder competition for months now.


- The locomotive grinders can smooth out any roughness in the rails.


3. 用法注意

- 在使用Grinders这个单词时,需要根据上下文语境判断其具体含义。

- 当指代“磨碎机”时,通常以the grinder为前缀,如“The grinder is broken”。

- 当指代“法官”时,常用“a grinder”或“The grinder”作为定语,如“The grinder judge is known for his conservative rulings”。

- 当指代“磨床车”或“耐力跑”时,常以“The”或“a”作为前缀,如“The grinder vehicle needs to be checked regularly”或“He is preparing for a grinder competition”。


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