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ladylike是什么意思 ladylike的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-17 15:17:10
  • 615

ladylike是什么意思 ladylike的读音、翻译、用法


1. 礼仪:表现出温柔、有教养、有礼貌的举止和行为。


- She always carries herself in a ladylike manner.

- The hostess was very ladylike, greeting each guest with a warm smile.

- She never forgets to say please and thank you, which is very ladylike.

- Her ladylike behavior impressed everyone at the party.

- It's important to behave in a ladylike way in formal situations.

2. 穿着:合适的打扮,体现出品味和风度。


- She looked very ladylike in her elegant dress.

- The actress wore a ladylike suit to the awards ceremony.

- This jewelry is very ladylike and would complement any outfit.

- She prefers ladylike clothing styles to more casual ones.

- A ladylike handbag is an essential accessory for any formal occasion.

3. 语言和声音:优美、柔和的表达方式和声音。


- She speaks with a soft, ladylike voice that is very pleasant to listen to.

- The singer's ladylike voice was perfect for the romantic ballad.

- It's important to use ladylike language when speaking to others.

- She always chooses her words carefully, speaking in a ladylike manner.

- A ladylike tone of voice can convey confidence and grace.

4. 行为:优雅、体面的行为举止,表现出自尊和自信。


- She handled the difficult situation with great ladylike composure.

- Her ladylike demeanor won over even the most skeptical of her critics.

- By remaining calm and collected, she demonstrated a truly ladylike attitude.

- A ladylike response to criticism is to listen and consider the advice offered.

- Ladylike behavior requires a measure of self-control and restraint.

英语缩写词"LKL"通常代表"Ladylike Library",它是一个致力于协助女性发展个人品位和生活技巧的在线社区。例如:

- The LKL website offers articles and resources on topics such as fashion and etiquette.

- You can find a wealth of information on being ladylike on LKL's social media accounts.

- LKL's membership includes women from all walks of life who share a passion for elegance and refinement.

- The LKL community encourages women to embrace their femininity and develop their own unique sense of style.

- LKL's founder hopes to inspire a new generation of ladylike women who are confident and empowered.


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