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handley是什么意思 handley的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-01 01:08:05
  • 215

handley是什么意思 handley的读音、翻译、用法



1. door handle:门把手

2. suitcase handle:手提箱拉杆

3. gear handle:挡位杆


Get a handle on something 意为“掌握某事”,表示理解和掌握某个情况或问题。


1. He picked up the hammer by its handle. 他抓住锤子的握柄。

2. She slipped her hand into the glove's handle. 她的手滑进了手套的手掌部分。

3. He turned the door handle and walked in. 他转动门把手走了进去。

4. The suitcase was heavy, but the handle made it easy to carry. 手提箱很重,但是拉杆让它变得很容易携带。

5. The pilot pulled the gear handle to lower the wheels. 飞行员拉动了挡位杆把轮子放下。

6. She finally got a handle on the topic after reading several books. 她在读了几本书之后终于掌握了这个话题。

7. Can you give me a hand with the handle of the lawnmower? 你能帮我把割草机的手柄弄好吗?


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