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overhaul是什么意思 overhaul的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-06 07:52:03
  • 138

overhaul是什么意思 overhaul的读音、翻译、用法

1. 定义:

overhaul (verb):对机器、设备、制度等进行全面检修或彻底改进;对组织、计划、政策等进行重大修正或调整。

例如:“The company has decided to overhaul its management structure.”(公司决定对其管理结构进行彻底改革。)

2. 同义词:

revamp, renovate, refurbish, modernize, upgrade, restructure

例如:“The museum is going to undergo a major refurbishment.”(博物馆将进行大规模的翻新。)

3. 例句:

① The airline is planning to overhaul its fleet of planes next year.(航空公司计划明年对其飞机机队进行全面检修。)

② The new government has promised to overhaul the tax system.(新承诺改革税收制度。)

③ The company's IT system is in need of an overhaul.(公司的IT系统需要彻底检修。)

④ The city council has approved a plan to overhaul the public transportation system.(市议会已经批准了一项重大的公共交通系统改革计划。)

⑤ After years of neglect, the old house was in desperate need of an overhaul.(经过多年的荒废,这座老房子迫切需要彻底改造。)


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