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ellen degeneres是什么意思 ellen degeneres的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-10 13:50:14
  • 12

ellen degeneres是什么意思 ellen degeneres的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词源和发音:Ellen Degeneres是一个人名,发音为 /ˈɛlən dəˈdʒɛnərəs/。


- Ellen Degeneres is a popular American talk show host.


- Ellen Degeneres was born in January 1958.


2. 职业背景和成就:Ellen Degeneres是一位著名的美国脱口秀主持人、喜剧演员和制片人。


- Ellen Degeneres has won multiple Emmy Awards for her talk show.


- Ellen Degeneres is known for her charitable work and activism.


3. 代表作品和角色:Ellen Degeneres在《忘了他是谁》电影中为多莉配音,也是《爱丽丝梦游仙境》系列电影中的一个角色。


- Ellen Degeneres voiced the character of Dory in the movie "Finding Nemo".


- Ellen Degeneres played the role of Gail in "Mr. Wrong".


4. 个人生活和争议:Ellen Degeneres公开,她的节目曾受到一些争议。


- Ellen Degeneres came out as a lesbian in 1997.


- Ellen Degeneres faced criticism for her treatment of employees on her show.


5. 影响和粉丝基础:Ellen Degeneres是一个备受喜爱和尊敬的公众人物,她的节目在全球有着大量的观众和粉丝。


- Ellen Degeneres has millions of followers on social media.


- Ellen Degeneres is a beloved figure in the LGBTQ+ community.



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