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swabbed是什么意思 swabbed的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-11 14:54:55
  • 722

swabbed是什么意思 swabbed的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词性:动词,意为“擦拭,拭取”。


- The nurse swabbed the patient's arm with alcohol before giving the injection.(护士在注射前用酒精擦拭了病人的手臂。)

- The scientist swabbed the lab table for any possible traces of the virus.(科学家用棉签擦拭实验桌,以查找可能的病毒痕迹。)

2. 用途:医学和生物学领域中常用于收集样本,检测病原体、细菌等微生物。


- The doctor swabbed the patient's throat to test for strep bacteria.(医生用棉签在病人喉咙处拭取样本,检测链球菌病原体。)

- The lab technician swabbed the suce of the equipment to check for bacterial contamination.(实验室技术员用棉签擦拭设备表面,查看是否有细菌染。)

3. 衍生词汇:swabbing(名词形式)、swabber(名词形式,指擦拭、拭取的人)、swabbed-up(形容词形式,指擦拭干净的)等。


- The swabbing process is a critical step in collecting accurate samples for diagnosis.(拭取过程是收集准确样本进行诊断的关键步骤。)

- The swabber meticulously collected samples from every corner of the room.(拭取者细心地从房间的每个角落收集样本。)

- The lab technician made sure that all suces were swabbed-up before beginning the experiment.(实验室技术员在开始实验之前确保所有表面都是干净的。)

4. 缩写词:SWATH-MS(全靶多重反应监测质谱技术),是一种基于高分辨质谱技术的蛋白质组学分析方法。


- SWATH-MS has become a popular tool for large-scale protein quantification and biomarker discovery.(SWATH-MS已成为大规模蛋白质定量和生物标记物发现的流行工具。)

- Researchers are continually improving the sensitivity and specificity of SWATH-MS for more accurate protein ysis.(研究人员正在不断提高SWATH-MS的灵敏度和特异性,以实现更准确的蛋白质分析。)


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