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spinal是什么意思 spinal的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-13 09:44:45
  • 126

spinal是什么意思 spinal的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词释:

'spinal'一词可以作为形容词、名词、缩写等,在不同的语境下具有不同的含义。在医学领域中,'spinal'通常指脊柱的(与脊柱有关的);'spinal cord' 则指脊髓;在工程领域中,'SPINAL'则是一种串行通信协议的缩写,表示Simple Protocol for Inexpensive Networked Automation and Logging。

2. 医学方面:


- The doctor said that the spinal injury was severe and would require immediate surgery. (医生说脊髓损伤严重,需要立即手术。)

- It is important to maintain good posture to avoid spinal problems later in life. (保持良好的身体姿势,可以预防以后脊柱问题。)

- The spinal cord is responsible for transmitting nerve signals between the brain and the rest of the body. (脊髓负责在大脑和身体其他部分之间传递神经信号。)

3. 工程方面:


- The SPINAL protocol allows for reliable communication between automation devices on a network. (SPINAL协议可以在网络上实现自动化设备之间的可靠通信。)

- We are planning to implement the SPINAL protocol in our factory to improve efficiency and reduce costs. (我们计划在工厂中实现SPINAL协议,以提高效率并降低成本。)

- The SPINAL protocol is ideal for small-scale industrial automation applications. (SPINAL协议非常适合于小型工业自动化应用。)

4. 脊柱相关的其他用法:


- The spinal anaesthesia was administered by the anesthesiologist before the surgery began. (手术前,师给予了脊椎。)

- The patient complained of a burning sensation in the spinal region. (病人抱怨脊柱区域有灼热感。)

- The results of the spinal MRI showed no abnormalities. (脊柱磁共振成像的结果显示没有异常。)



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