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wingsuit是什么意思 wingsuit的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-07 16:17:00
  • 605

wingsuit是什么意思 wingsuit的读音、翻译、用法



词组搭配:fly a wingsuit(穿上滑翔衣飞行)、wingsuit pilot(滑翔衣飞行员)、wingsuit flying(滑翔衣飞行)。

短语:wingsuit BASE jumping(滑翔衣B.A.S.E跳跃)



1. He jumped out of the plane wearing a wingsuit and glided through the air like a bird. 他穿着滑翔衣从飞机上跳下去,像一只鸟般飘荡在空中。

2. The wingsuit pilot soared over the valley, enjoying the stunning scenery from above. 滑翔衣飞行员在峡谷上空翱翔,欣赏着从高空俯瞰的壮丽景色。

3. The wingsuit flying competition attracted many daredevils from around the world. 滑翔衣飞行比赛吸引了许多世界各地的冒险家。

4. She practices wingsuit BASE jumping every weekend, always seeking the ultimate thrill. 她每个周末都要练习滑翔衣B.A.S.E跳跃,总是在寻找极致的刺激。

5. The instructor gave him a thorough briefing on wingsuit control and safety before the flight. 飞行前,教练给他详细介绍了滑翔衣控制和安全知识。


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