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nutritionists是什么意思 nutritionists的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-28 02:13:38
  • 450

nutritionists是什么意思 nutritionists的读音、翻译、用法

1. 定义:Nutritionists是指专门从事营养学研究、营养咨询和营养教育工作的专业人士。他们通过研究食物成分和人体代谢等方面,为人们提供健康饮食建议和营养指导。


- Many nutritionists recommend a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables.

- If you want to lose weight, it's a good idea to consult a nutritionist to help you create a healthy meal plan.

- Some nutritionists specialize in sports nutrition, helping athletes optimize their performance through diet and supplements.

2. 职业要求:Nutritionists需要具备丰富的营养学知识和相关科学背景,能够分析食物和饮食对人体健康的影响,并且能够为不同人群制定个性化的饮食计划。


- In order to become a registered nutritionist, you need to have a degree in nutrition or a related field.

- Many nutritionists continue to study and keep up-to-date with the latest research in their field.

- Good communication skills and a friendly personality are important for nutritionists, as they need to work closely with clients to help them achieve their health goals.

3. 营养教育:除了针对个人提供饮食指导之外,nutritionists还可以通过各种方式向群体普及健康饮食知识,提高公众对营养的认识和重视。


- Many schools and community centers invite nutritionists to give talks and presentations about healthy eating.

- Some nutritionists work in public health, developing and implementing nutrition programs for underserved communities.

- Nutritionists can also write articles, books, and blogs to educate the public about nutrition and healthy lifestyles.


1. Many people turn to nutritionists for advice on how to eat healthier. 许多人寻求营养师的建议,学习如何吃得更健康。

2. If you have a medical condition that requires a special diet, a nutritionist can help you create a meal plan that meets your needs. 如果你有需要特殊饮食的医学状况,营养师可以帮助你制定满足你需求的饮食计划。

3. Some nutritionists believe that a plant-based diet is the healthiest choice for humans. 有些营养学家认为,以植物为基础的饮食是人类的最佳选择。

4. The nutritionist recommended that the athlete consume more protein to help build muscle. 营养师建议运动员多摄入蛋白质以帮助增肌。

5. Nutritionists warn that consuming too much sugar can lead to a range of health problems, including obesity and diabetes. 营养师警告说,过度摄入糖分会导致一系列健康问题,包括肥胖和糖尿病。


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