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algolia是什么意思 algolia的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-02 12:23:44
  • 471

algolia是什么意思 algolia的读音、翻译、用法


1. Definition: Algolia is a cloud-based search engine that helps website or app builders provide an intuitive search experience for their users. It uses real-time indexing and provides instant search results.

2. History: Algolia was founded in 2012 by Nicolas Dessaigne and Julien Lemoine. The company is based in San Francisco, California, and has offices in Paris, London, New York, Tokyo, and more.

3. Features: Algolia offers various features such as customizable ranking, typo tolerance, synonyms, faceting, geolocation, and more. It also provides dashboards and ytics to help monitor and optimize search performance.

4. Applications: Algolia is used by many companies across various industries, including e-commerce, travel, media, and more. It helps improve user experience by providing fast and precise search results.

Here are five examples of sentences using Algolia:

1. "We integrated Algolia into our e-commerce website and saw a 40% increase in search conversion rate."

2. "Algolia's geo-search feature helped us provide accurate location-based search results for our travel app."

3. "With Algolia's typo-tolerance and synonyms, our online marketplace saw a reduced bounce rate and increased user engagement."

4. "Algolia's dashboard helped us identify search queries with low click-through rates and improve our search relevance."

5. "We are planning to use Algolia's faceting feature to enable our users to filter search results by different categories on our news website."


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