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matriarchal是什么意思 matriarchal的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-24 11:20:53
  • 54

matriarchal是什么意思 matriarchal的读音、翻译、用法



词组搭配:matriarchal society(母系社会)。




1. The Mosuo people in China are a matriarchal society with the women holding most of the power and the major decisions.

2. The Amazonian tribe is known for their matriarchal society, where women have the majority of the power and influence.

3. The feminist movement advocates for a more matriarchal society, where women are treated as equals and have equal opportunities.

4. Many indigenous societies are matriarchal, with women having important roles in decision- and leadership.

5. The queen bee is the leader of the hive in a matriarchal society where female bees hold most of the power.

6. The concept of matriarchy challenges traditional patriarchal structures and promotes the empowerment of women.

7. The matrilineal descent system in some cultures reflects a matriarchal society where inheritance and succession are passed down through the female line.


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