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dolos是什么意思 dolos的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-08 09:42:33
  • 110

dolos是什么意思 dolos的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词源解析:dolos是希腊语中的词汇,意为"诡计"、"阴谋"、"欺骗"等,常常用于描述某些狡猾的人物或行为。


- He resorted to dolos to deceive his enemies.(他采取了诡计来欺骗他的敌人。)

- The politician's dolos was exposed by the media.(媒体揭露了人物的阴谋。)

2. 文化语境:dolos在希腊神话中也有着重要的意义,代表着谎言、欺骗和诡计等恶劣行为。因此,在文学和艺术中,dolos经常被用作描绘坏人或恶人的手段。


- The villain in the story was characterized by his dolos and deceitful nature.(故事中的恶棍以其狡猾的本性和欺诈手段为特征。)

- The painting depicted the dolos of the mythological character as an example of moral corruption.(这幅画描绘了神话人物的欺骗行为,作为道德堕落的例子。)

3. 科技领域:在计算机科学和软件开发领域中,dolos是一个用于测试和评估软件安全性的工具。它能够自动化恶意攻击的过程,以识别和报告潜在的安全漏洞和漏洞。


- The team used dolos to identify and fix the security vulnerabilities in their software.(团队使用dolos识别和修复其软件中的安全漏洞。)

- The company hired a security consultant to run dolos against their network infrastructure.(公司聘请了安全顾问使用dolos评估其网络基础设施的安全性。)

4. 商业用途:dolos也可能是一个商标或品牌名称,用于标志某个公司或产品的特征和意义。


- Dolos Design is a branding agency that specializes in creating logos and marketing materials for businesses.(Dolos Design是一家专门为企业创建标志和营销材料的品牌设计公司。)

- The Dolos brand of surfboard is known for its durability and performance in rough waves.(Dolos品牌的冲浪板以其在狂涛中的耐用性和表现而闻名。)


1. The criminal mastermind was known for his dolos, always staying one step ahead of the law.

2. The software developer used dolos to simulate various cyber attacks and ensure the program was secure.

3. The company's marketing campaign relied heavily on the use of the Dolos logo to build brand recognition.

4. The ancient Greek mythological character Prometheus was punished by Zeus for his dolos in stealing fire from the gods.

5. The hacker used dolos to trick the victim into revealing their password, granting them access to sensitive information.


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