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causait是什么意思 causait的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-22 12:29:25
  • 690

causait是什么意思 causait的读音、翻译、用法

"Causait" 不是一个常见的单词或缩写词,建议提供更明确的上下文或背景信息。

如果 "Causait" 指的是 "Causing",即 "引起",那么可以从以下四个方面进行说明:

1. 词性:"Causing" 是动词的现在分词形式(present participle),可以用作动词或形容词。


- The heavy rain is causing flooding in the streets. (动词)

- The causing factor of the disease is still unknown. (形容词)

2. 同义词:引起的同义词包括 "Inducing"、"Triggering"、"Provoking" 等。


- Smoking is a major factor in inducing lung cancer. (Inducing 的例句)

- The loud music triggered a headache. (Triggering 的例句)

- His rude behavior provoked a fight. (Provoking 的例句)

3. 构成词组:常用的和 "Causing" 相关的词组包括 "Cause and effect"、"Cautionary tale"、"Causal relationship" 等。


- The cause and effect of climate change is a complex issue. (Cause and effect 的例句)

- The novel is a cautionary tale of the dangers of greed. (Cautionary tale 的例句)

- The study found a clear causal relationship between stress and heart disease. (Causal relationship 的例句)

4. 常见用法:"Causing" 常用于描述自然灾害、疾病、人为错误等引起的负面影响。


- The earthquake caused widespread damage to buildings.

- Overeating can cause obesity.

- His careless mistake caused the project to fail.

- Polluted air can cause respiratory problems.

- The reckless driver caused a serious accident.



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