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birthdaycake是什么意思 birthdaycake的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-03 01:13:54
  • 624

birthdaycake是什么意思 birthdaycake的读音、翻译、用法



1. 拼写:'birthdaycake'是一个合成词,由两个单词"birthday"和"cake"组成。因此,在拼写时需要注意这两个单词的拼写,以免出现拼写错误。

2. 发音:'birthdaycake'的发音比较简单,读音为/bɜrθdeɪkeɪk/。注意其中的元音发音需准确。

3. 用途:'birthdaycake'主要用作生日庆祝活动中的食品之一,通常是由面粉、鸡蛋、糖、奶油等材料制成,外层覆盖着彩色的糖霜,并且上面装饰着糖果、水果等。

4. 语境:'birthdaycake'通常出现在生日聚会的场合,是庆祝生日的重要元素之一,也可以在其他场合中作为庆祝活动的食物之一。

5. 例句:

- Let's buy a birthday cake for our friend's birthday party.

- I baked a birthday cake for my daughter's sixth birthday.

- The birthday cake has ten candles on it, representing ten years old.

- He blew out the candle on the birthday cake and made a wish.

- The birthday cake was delicious and everyone enjoyed it very much.


1. Spelling: 'birthdaycake' is a compound word composed of two words "birthday" and "cake". Therefore, in spelling, attention should be paid to the spelling of these two words to avoid spelling errors.

2. Pronunciation: The unciation of 'birthdaycake' is relatively simple, read as /bɜrθdeɪkeɪk/. Pay attention to accurate unciation of vowels.

3. Usage: 'birthdaycake' is mainly used as one of the foods in birthday celebrations. It is usually made of flour, eggs, sugar, cream, etc. The outer layer is covered with colorful icing and decorated with candy and fruit on top.

4. Context: 'birthdaycake' usually appears in birthday parties and is an important element in celebrating birthdays. It can also be used as one of the foods in other celebration activities.

5. Example sentences:

- 让我们为我们朋友的生日聚会买一个生日蛋糕。

- 我为女儿六岁生日烤了一个生日蛋糕。

- 生日蛋糕上有十根蜡烛,代表十岁了。

- 他吹灭了生日蛋糕上的蜡烛,并许了个愿。

- 生日蛋糕很好吃,每个人都很喜欢。


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