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hawk是什么意思 hawk的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-05-02 11:20:07
  • 995

hawk是什么意思 hawk的读音、翻译、用法

1. 鸟类方面:Hawk是指鹰科动物,是一种双足掠食的猛禽鸟,通常用于猎杀小动物。英语中也用hawkeye来形容鹰眼,指的是鹰的视力极为敏锐。


1. The hawk swooped down from the sky and grabbed a mouse in its talons.

2. He has the hawk-like vision to spot even the tiniest details from far away.

3. The ancient Egyptians revered hawks and often depicted them in their art.

2. 美国机构方面:HAWK是指美国房屋财产租赁和管理机构(HUD),它为低收入人群提供了保障性住房和财产管理服务。


1. HAWK provides assistance to families who are struggling to find affordable housing.

2. My friend works at HAWK and helps oversee the management of rental properties.

3. The HAWK program has been instrumental in reducing homelessness in our city.

3. 缩写方面:HAWK也可以代表其他多种含义的缩写,如口令(Halt and Watch for Kids)、学习技术辅助工具(Handwriting Without Tears Keyboarding)、局域网负载平衡器(High Availability Wide Area Network Keying)等等。


1. The police officer shouted "HAWK" to signal drivers to stop and watch for children crossing.

2. The Handwriting Without Tears Keyboarding program helps students with limited dexterity and motor function.

3. The IT department installed a High Availability Wide Area Network Keying system to manage network traffic.


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