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sayan是什么意思 sayan的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-15 03:51:27
  • 97

sayan是什么意思 sayan的读音、翻译、用法

'sayan' 并不是一个常见的单词,目前无法找到确切的释义和词性。但是根据搜索结果显示,'sayan'可能是来自于蒙古语或土耳其语的一个词汇,意思可能与蒙古高原或特定地区、民族有关。


1. 蒙古高原上的Saynshand城市是一个重要的煤炭运输中心。

The city of Saynshand on the Mongolian Plateau is an important center for coal transportation.

2. 土耳其的Sayan Dağları山脉景色秀美,深受登山者们喜爱。

The Sayan Mountains in Turkey are beautiful and popular among hikers.

3. 他们来自塞尔维亚的Sayanski族,是这里的土著民族。

They are the Sayanski people from Serbia, the indigenous people here.

4. 他的姓氏听起来像是土耳其人,也有可能是蒙古语中的Sayan。

His surname sounds like it's Turkish, or it could be the Mongolian word 'sayan'.

5. Sayan酒店的客房非常舒适,酒店还提供了多项娱乐设施。

The rooms in Sayan Hotel are very comfortable, and the hotel also offers many entertainment facilities.

6. 许多蒙古族牧民将自己的马儿命名为Sayan,这是表示对马儿的爱和尊重。

Many Mongolian herdsmen name their horses Sayan, which represents their love and respect for the horses.

7. Sayan Pass是连接俄罗斯和蒙古的一个山口,海拔高达2,200米。

Sayan Pass is a mountain pass that connects Russia and Mongolia, with an altitude of 2,200 meters.


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