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unintentionally是什么意思 unintentionally的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-05 04:23:03
  • 84

unintentionally是什么意思 unintentionally的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:it may save a woman unintentionally.




例句:And we need to be very attentive and vigilant to thinking about where things that we do may unintentionally prevent them from being able to achieve their important activities.

翻译:我们要非常小心谨慎的 考虑我们所做的 可能无意中对 它们的重要活动造成阻碍的事。



例句:i know the fugitive Boov has made yet another in a series of horrible... yet unintentionally humorous mistakes.

翻译:我了解那个波星人逃犯又犯了弥天大错... I know the fugitive Boov has made yet another in a series of horrible... 虽然不是故意的 yet unintentionally humorous mistakes.。



unintentionally一般作为名词使用,如在unintentionally causing harm(无意造成的伤害)等常见短语中出现较多。

unintentionally causing harm无意造成的伤害


1. i know the fugitive Boov has made yet another in a series of horrible... yet unintentionally humorous mistakes.

翻译:我了解那个波星人逃犯又犯了弥天大错... I know the fugitive Boov has made yet another in a series of horrible... 虽然不是故意的 yet unintentionally humorous mistakes.。

2. i mean, unintentionally, of course.


3. it seemed to me that there are ways you can talk about what the enemy's doing that help the enemy unintentionally and ways you can talk about what the enemy's doing that harm the enemy, that make his task less legitimate,

翻译:在我看来, 有办法 你可以谈论 什么敌人的做 ,帮助敌人 无意。

4. You know, you get to do the one thing you would've done before you died... except you didn't get to do it on account of some guy... unintentionally cut your lives a little... short.

翻译:走吧 死人们 是时候...。

5. So fires were unintentionally blocked by roads and railroads, the cattle and sheep ate the grass, then along comes fire suppression and logging, removing the big trees, and you know what happened?

翻译:于是大火无意中 被公路和铁路阻断, 牛羊吃光了林间的草地, 对火灾的压制 以及被伐木业移除的大树, 结果怎么样。

6. - Have you hurt him, however unintentionally?

翻译:你是不是伤害了他? 作为他的母亲,你故意伤人。

7. Are you mad just because i've dropped your pencil-case unintentionally?

翻译:是不是不小心 丢了你的笔盒,你就生气啦。

8. When a magnetic grain volume is too small, its magnetization is easily disturbed by heat energy and can cause bits to switch unintentionally, leading to data loss.

翻译:即当磁粒体积过小, 它的磁性很容易受到热能干扰, 导致比特的朝向发生混乱, 从而引起数据丢失。

9. i mean, i think you should definitely... not unintentionally do anything... that you're not comfortable with.

翻译:我的意思是,我觉得 你一定要... 不是无意 做任何事情... 你 不舒服。

10. This is a very important question, because for the first time ever, we have five generations in the workplace at the same time, unintentionally.

翻译:这是一个非常重要的问题,因为我们在 不经意间,破天荒的同时有 五代人在一个场所工作。

11. unintentionally to be a history...


12. i kind of made this promise to myself... that i wasn't going to think about... where it was gonna end up because i didn't want to... unintentionally commercialize it.

翻译:我样的 这对自己的诺言... ... 我不会 想想...。

13. But millions of sharks are by-catch, caught unintentionally by big commercial fishing operations.

翻译:对它要足够友善 要尊重它。

14. Harry Wormwood had unintentionally given his daughter the first practical advice she could use.

翻译:哈利沃伍 第一次给了她女儿 一些她女儿根本就用不到的忠告。

15. i may have unintentionally slighted some king or other.



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