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computable是什么意思 computable的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-02 03:34:50
  • 97

computable是什么意思 computable的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

computable的中文解释是"计算得出的、可计算的",作为形容词时有"能计算的"的意思,读音为[美 kəm'pjutəbl],computable来源于英语,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到61个与computable相关的同义词和例句。



例句:Two big things happened: First, a bunch of new ideas about linguistics that came from studying the computational universe; and second, the realization that having actual computable knowledge completely changes how one can set about understanding language.

翻译:后来有了两大重要进步 首先是语言学上的很多新想法 来自于对计算空间的研究 第一,可计算知识的实现 完全地改变了如何一个人能够 开始理解语言。



例句:This is just an example of one of these computable documents.




例句:This is just an example of one of these computable documents.




例句:Two big things happened: First, a bunch of new ideas about linguistics that came from studying the computational universe; and second, the realization that having actual computable knowledge completely changes how one can set about understanding language.

翻译:后来有了两大重要进步 首先是语言学上的很多新想法 来自于对计算空间的研究 第二,可计算知识的实现 完全地改变了如何一个人能够 开始理解语言。



computable一般作为形容词使用,如在effective computable(可有效计算)、effectively computable function(能行可计算函数)、Markov computable function([数] 马尔可夫可计算函数)等常见短语中出现较多。

effective computable可有效计算
effectively computable function能行可计算函数
Markov computable function[数] 马尔可夫可计算函数
partial computable function[数] 部分可算函数
effectively computable function能行可计算函数
infinite semicomputable set[计] 无穷半可计算集
infinite semicomputable subset[计] 无穷半可计算子集
Markov computable function[数] 马尔可夫可计算函数


1. This is just an example of one of these computable documents.


2. Two big things happened: First, a bunch of new ideas about linguistics that came from studying the computational universe; and second, the realization that having actual computable knowledge completely changes how one can set about understanding language.

翻译:后来有了两大重要进步 首先是语言学上的很多新想法 来自于对计算空间的研究 第三,可计算知识的实现 完全地改变了如何一个人能够 开始理解语言。

3. And we convert that information into this structure, this understanding, this ability to convert those stories into something that is computable, to which we can begin to change the way medicine is done and delivered.

翻译:于是,我们将那些信息转换成这样的结构, 这样的理解方式,这样一种 能将那些故事转换成可计算形式的能力。借由此,我们就能开始 改变实现医疗的方式。

4. And we convert that information into this structure, this understanding, this ability to convert those stories into something that is computable, to which we can begin to change the way medicine is done and delivered.

翻译:于是,我们将那些信息转换成这样的结构, 这样的理解方式,这样一种 能将那些故事转换成可计算形式的能力。借由此,我们就能开始 改变实现医疗的方式。

5. i have particularly high bad cholesterol, and i have some bad liver numbers, but those are because we had a dinner party with a lot of good wine the night before we ran the test. (Laughter) Right. But look at how non-computable this information is.

翻译:尤其是有害胆固醇,我的肝脏指数也不太好 不过这是因为在验血的前一天的晚宴 我喝了很多红酒 还有一点,这些数据是多么的不可计算。


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