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ziploc是什么意思 ziploc的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-22 02:09:05
  • 160

ziploc是什么意思 ziploc的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:My buddy took a fighting muffin in the chest, he went home in 4 Ziploc bags.

翻译:我朋友被功夫小松糕打中 结果被装成四袋送回老家。



例句:There are different theories as to why one of the victim's ears was placed in a Ziploc bag

翻译:对于歹徒特别用保鲜袋 包着死者其中一只耳朵 引来各界揣测。



例句:This is a real Ziploc, not one of those knock-offs.

翻译:这可是正品密封塑料袋哦 不是那种冒牌货。



例句:Just like before when i passed you the Ziploc, only we're against the current now, so it's harder.

翻译:就像我之前把塑料袋传给你那样 只是现在水是逆流 会更难一些。



ziploc一般作为名词使用,如在ziploc bag(密保诺保鲜袋;自封袋;夹链袋)等常见短语中出现较多。

ziploc bag密保诺保鲜袋;自封袋;夹链袋


1. This is a real Ziploc, not one of those knock-offs.

翻译:这可是正品密封塑料袋哦 不是那种冒牌货。

2. Just like before when i passed you the Ziploc, only we're against the current now, so it's harder.

翻译:就像我之前把塑料袋传给你那样 只是现在水是逆流 会更难一些。

3. What do you do, Ziploc your digits every time you shower?


4. You take that knife out of the evidence locker, you put it in a Ziploc bag.

翻译:你从局物证仓库里把那把刀取出来 You take that knlfe out of the evldence locker, 放在一个贷子里面 you put it in a Ziploc bag.。

5. And you can see just what a sstring operation this really was, because we cast these 16 blue LEDs in epoxy and you can see in the epoxy mold that we used, the word Ziploc is still visible.

翻译:大家可以看到我们的预算确实有限, 因为,当我把这16个蓝色二极管粘到这个塑料圈上时—— 这里你可以看见我们用的塑料模子, 你还看得见ZIPLOC(生产厨房用品的厂家)的字样。

6. Viewed from the side, you can really see those pouches take a more cylindrical shape, such as we saw with the Ziploc bags.

翻译:从边上看, 你可以看到这些袋子是圆柱形的, 就像是保鲜袋。

7. it's a kind of Ziploc baggies that i got online.


8. Take a few Ziploc bags and fill them with olive oil.


9. - i got wood just Ziploc'ing her up.


10. if you have liquids in a Ziploc bag, please show them to us now.

翻译:如果你的行李箱里装有液体 请打开给我们看看。

11. - Yes, sir. You got Ziploc bags and Sharpies, use 'em.

翻译:Τ鹅㎝疠腹掸 ノウだ摸。

12. (Audio) NR: it's not a whole lot. it fits in a small Ziploc bag.

翻译:(音频) "其实并不算很多。一个小拉链袋就装得下。"。

13. Beezus wants hers in a Ziploc, and Ramona insists on having tin foil.

翻译:碧祖丝的要用密封塑料袋装起来 蕾蒙娜的坚持要包锡箔纸。

14. You couldn't cook your way out of a Ziploc.

翻译:- 妈 - 你根本不会做饭。

15. Jamie is doing re-shoots for a Ziploc commercial she got.



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