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leggings是什么意思 leggings的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-10 08:02:39
  • 110

leggings是什么意思 leggings的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:i mean, they weren't really jeans, they were more like leggings, but i guess they're actually kind of more like jeggings, and you're just like, "Oh my God. What is the point?"

翻译:我是说,他们不是真的牛仔裤,而是窄腿裤 另外还有,我想他们某种意义上更像是紧身裤 但是我想——你会类似反应“天哪, 到底想说什么?”。



例句:i mean, they weren't really jeans, they were more kind of, like, leggings, but, like, i guess they're actually kind of more like jeggings, like, but i think — " and you're just like, "Oh my God.

翻译:我是说,他们不是真的牛仔裤,而是窄腿裤 但是,我想他们某种意义上更像是紧身裤 但是我想——你会类似反应“天哪。





1. You should wear a new suit, a hunting outfit with leather leggings and a hat to match.

翻译:你应该穿套新的 一身专门的猎装,配上一对皮护胫和猎帽。

2. - it'd be too cold. i don't have leggings.


3. Because, Percy, far from being a fit consort for a prince of the realm, you would bore the leggings off a village idiot!

翻译:那是因为 珀西 作为一位亲王的同伴 你实在太差劲了 你的无聊 让老太婆的裹脚布相形见绌。

4. You know those really tight leggings that girls wear, do you ever wear those?

翻译:你知道女孩子穿的紧身裤吧 你穿过吗。

5. Leggings? Well, hell, general, sir, i'm a cook.


6. After wearing your leggings, he's getting ready for his fame audition.

翻译:穿过你的之后 它都可以去拍电影了。

7. Though last time i saw you, you were playing in a field wearing leggings.

翻译:我最后一次看见你在玩 场。

8. i cut up my Fendi cashmere leggings.

翻译:- 我把我的 Fendi的羊绒紧身裤给剪了。

9. "Their dirty leggings and their lovers"


10. And you can wear black leggings and i'll give you the boots.

翻译:你也可以穿黑色紧身裤 我会给你的靴子。

11. Black leggings, pink sweater, 5' 10" tall. Who'd she leave with?

翻译:黑色紧身裤、粉红色毛衣 五尺十寸高,她跟谁走的。

12. He's nice, brown, he looks sick in leggings, and he's free, so take him or leave him.

翻译:而且他不要钱 综上 要还是不要。

13. Just pulling on some leggings first.


14. Gentlemen... from this moment any man... without leggings, without a helmet, without a tie...

翻译:各位先生,从此刻起 任何人没打绑腿,没戴钢盔或系领带。

15. Stop, you were gonna climb on an icy chair in six inch heels and break your neck and then i'm gonna be stuck with a horse in leggings and you in a wheelchair with a chopstick in your mouth

翻译:打住 穿那么高的高跟鞋爬冰梯 不怕把脖子摔断? 剩下我和这匹穿着紧身裤的马 而你在轮椅里 嘴里叼个筷子敲字。




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