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insecurities是什么意思 insecurities的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-25 10:18:21
  • 117

insecurities是什么意思 insecurities的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:Who would've guessed that a charming man like you would have any insecurities?

翻译:谁会想到像你这么好的男人 也会感到不安。



例句:"and filling it full of our insecurities and fears?




例句:She has the looks, the insecurities, and emotional credentials to really make a difference.

翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs22\shad1\3cHF2AA45\be1}一股冲劲想做不同于情感的事情 {\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs14\bord1\shad1\3cH6C3308\be1}and emotional credentialsto really make a difference.。



例句:is revealed in death -- our fears, our insecurities, But most of all, our secrets.

翻译:-- our secrets.。





1. She has the looks, the insecurities, and emotional credentials to really make a difference.

翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs22\shad1\3cHF2AA45\be1}一股冲劲想做不同于情感的事情 {\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs14\bord1\shad1\3cH6C3308\be1}and emotional credentialsto really make a difference.。

2. is revealed in death -- our fears, our insecurities, But most of all, our secrets.

翻译:-- our secrets.。

3. Most advertising, from beauty products that promise to relieve our physical insecurities to cars that make us feel powerful, relies on pathos.

翻译:大部分的广告, 从美容产品保证可以减轻人们对自己身体的不安全感 到可以让人们感觉力量倍增的汽车, 都依赖于情感上的共鸣。

4. Oddly, Beatrice had opted to become and editorial model an occupation that only heightened her insecurities.

翻译:奇怪的是比阿特丽斯增长和 它成为一个典范发布 只占用 隐藏自己的不安全感。

5. He won't give it to you. He doesn't have the patience for my insecurities.


6. i have a lot of insecurities and i do really stupid things sometimes.

翻译:我,我有不安全感 我有时候做蠢事。

7. Then when it turns out he's got a few weaknesses and some insecurities, what do you do?

翻译:一旦他露出一点软弱 和不安全感... 你怎么做。

8. Much like when i was dancing in my mother's living room, i harnessed all of my insecurities and self-doubt and let it flow through the words that came out of my mouth.

翻译:就像曾经在妈妈的客厅里跳舞一样, 我把持住了自己所有不自信的情绪, 让它通过我说的每一个字流出我的身体。

9. insecurities about how they are performing and how they are appearing to other people.

翻译:他们对自己的表现以及自己 在别人眼中的形象缺乏安全感。

10. Friendly guy. Maybe pick up on some of his insecurities.

翻译:一个很友好的人 可能有点没安全感。

11. Being honest about everything, from your fantasies to your life-long insecurities, builds the kind of rapport that a quick one-nighter could never match.

翻译:对待一切要诚实 从你的性幻想 到你终身的不安全感 建立一种关系无法企及的和谐。

12. A person with all your insecurities normally wouldn't enter a talent show.

翻译:像你这样缺乏安全感的人 A person with all your insecurities 一般不会来参加才艺表演 normally wouldn't enter a talent show.。

13. [ Normal voice ] Now, these feelings, these insecurities you're experiencing are a direct result of the essential motherly attention that you were deprived of as an infant.

翻译:[正常声音] 现在,这些感觉, 这些不安全因素 你遇到 是的一个直接结果 必要的母爱关注。

14. You're having insecurities about, you know, your career...


15. Uh-huh. Udaji,thereare 2 things about the British that really wake my insecurities.





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