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varying是什么意思 varying的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-02-13 07:43:24
  • 88

varying是什么意思 varying的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:What i do takes varying amounts of energy, and involves varying amounts of risk.

翻译:驱魔所耗费的能量因人而异 也有各种各样的危险。



例句:Think of the AlloSphere as a large, dynamically varying digital microscope that's connected to a supercomputer.

翻译:你可以把全息投影球想象为 一个连有超级电脑的 动态数码显微镜。



例句:Think of the AlloSphere as a large, dynamically varying digital microscope that's connected to a supercomputer.

翻译:你可以把全息投影球想象为 一个连有超级电脑的 动态数码显微镜。



例句:Different temperate zones produce varying desert flora.

翻译:不同的温度区 导致了不同的沙漠植物群。



varying一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在in varying degrees(在不同程度上)、inversely varying cost(逆向变换成本)、irregularly varying service(不规则变化使用载荷)等常见短语中出现较多。

in varying degrees在不同程度上
inversely varying cost逆向变换成本
irregularly varying service不规则变化使用载荷
linearly varying load线性变化荷载;线性变化载荷
in varying degrees在不同程度上
inversely varying cost逆向变换成本
irregularly varying service不规则变化使用载荷
linearly varying load线性变化荷载;线性变化载荷


1. Think of the AlloSphere as a large, dynamically varying digital microscope that's connected to a supercomputer.

翻译:你可以把全息投影球想象为 一个连有超级电脑的 动态数码显微镜。

2. Different temperate zones produce varying desert flora.

翻译:不同的温度区 导致了不同的沙漠植物群。

3. He starts to give me varying wind direction.


4. Tense muscles and inflamed, sensitive nerves cause varying degrees of discomfort in each headache.

翻译:紧张的肌肉、发炎且敏感的神经 都会引起不同程度的不适感。

5. Each one of them have varying degrees of post-traumatic stress, but most are adjusting.

翻译:他们都或多或少显示出了 受伤后的精神焦虑 不过大部分都适应了。

6. Yes, les and dignitaries and people of varying status.

翻译:没错 贵族们 骑士们 和各国各界的精英们都会受邀前来。

7. So i went over different scenarios to get varying perspectives.

翻译:所以我想了不同的情景 得出各种观点。

8. We teach things like varying your routine, keeping your lights on at night, maybe getting a dog.

翻译:我们教... 变更例行路线,夜间留盏灯 也许养只狗。

9. They can then adapt these strategies to varying situations.

翻译:另外还有,它们可以在不同的情况下 采用这些战略。

10. And there's a number of people that you could potentially date across your lifetime, and they'll be at varying levels of goodness.

翻译:你的人生中 有很多潜在的约会对象, 他们都有各自的优点。

11. And different regions didn't just use varying measurements.


12. in the early 1800’s, different regions across the country produced strains of varying size and taste.

翻译:在 19 世纪初期, 全国不同地区生产出 大小和口味各异的玉米。

13. i spent a considerable amount of time learning Spanish, Japanese, German and currently Swedish, with varying degrees of failure.

翻译:我花了很多的时间 学习西班牙语、日语、 德语和目前的瑞典语, 有不同程度的失败。

14. There are several different shipping lanes with varying currents that the Chinese destroyer could've chosen.

翻译:根据不同的洋流 中国的驱逐舰 有几条不同的航道可以选择。

15. To varying degrees, narcissists think they're better looking, smarter, and more important than other people, and that they deserve special treatment.

翻译:不同程度上,自恋者认为 他们更好看, 更聪明, 而且比别人更重要, 于是他们理所应当 要有特殊的待遇。




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