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asterisk是什么意思 asterisk的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-10 02:04:34
  • 171

asterisk是什么意思 asterisk的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:And, asterisk: Batman don't like guns 'cause his parents got iced by guns a long time ago.

翻译:注释: 蝙蝠侠讨厌枪 因为他的双亲很早之前被枪杀。



例句:You made two mistakes. You used an asterisk, and instead of typing "W" for "Will," you typed "S" for "staff."

翻译:You made two mistakes. 错写成了代表"员工"的"S" {\3cH202020}you typed S for "Staff.。



例句:gonna be a nice big asterisk next to your name.

翻译:你的名字旁边 一定会有个大点。



例句:Kinda puts an asterisk, on the whole perfect month thing, huh?

翻译:就像是为这个完美之月锦上添花了 哈。



asterisk一般作为名词、动词使用,如在magic asterisk([网络] 星号魔术)等常见短语中出现较多。

magic asterisk[网络] 星号魔术


1. gonna be a nice big asterisk next to your name.

翻译:你的名字旁边 一定会有个大点。

2. Kinda puts an asterisk, on the whole perfect month thing, huh?

翻译:就像是为这个完美之月锦上添花了 哈。

3. That asterisk tells me that i must send them an e-mail about my book.

翻译:我必须给他们发邮件 答复书的问题。

4. Well, almost any -- there's a small asterisk by the end, and i'll get to that in just a minute.

翻译:好吧,几乎是“任何”, “任何”上打着一个小星号, 我一会儿将给予解释。

5. And that there'd be an asterisk by his name because he'd be a cyborg.

翻译:而且他的名字也该打上星号 因为他只是个智能生物。

6. -Good, good -to put the asterisk... with the cinnamom.

翻译:... -很好,很好 -把星号...。

7. -Asterisk. You, you, you were talking about some record that had an asterisk next to it

翻译:- 星号(Asterisk) 你们,你们当时在谈论某个唱片, 边上带个星号。

8. i told them to give Michael's hand back with an asterisk.


9. -Come on, come on 'i asked you to put the asterisk with the cinnamon.'

翻译:-快,快点 "我叫你把星号涂成肉桂色的"。

10. Before 1947, it's one big asterisk.

翻译:-1947年以前他就是个那个啥 -呱唧 -诺曼。

11. - i was sending an e-mail to you, but accidently sent it to Sloan Sabbith, but i either did or didn't type the asterisk and it went to staff instead of Sloan.

翻译:然后就发给员工而非斯隆了 {\3cH202020}and it went to staff instead of Sloan.。

12. However, beyond that, this plot comes with the asterisk and the caveat, "... unless the West Antarctic ice Sheet collapses."

翻译:然而还有一点,这个版本 还附带着星号和警告, “。除非西南极的冰层坍塌。”。

13. But unlike a real self-driving car, this one had a big asterisk with it: They had to pay attention, because this was an experimental vehicle.

翻译:但与真的自动驾驶汽车不同, 这一辆得加个星号上去: 他们得留多个心眼儿, 因为这只是一辆试验车。

14. Mac, i think i just accidentally forwarded it to corporate. Whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey, hey.

翻译:I think I just accidentally forwarded it to corporate. 我忘记是不是输了个星号 {\3cH202020}but I either did or didn't type the asterisk。

15. She claims i have turned myself into a mausoleum, that i am a walking casket, news headlines have turned my identity into a spectacle, Bruce Jenner on everyone's lips while the brutality of living in this body becomes an asterisk at the bottom of equality pages.

翻译:她说我已经把自己变成了陵墓, 我是一个移动的棺材, 新闻头条把我的身份 变成了人间奇观, 布鲁斯·詹娜是人们的谈资 然而无情生活在他的身体里 变成平等页面的星标。


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