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notoriety是什么意思 notoriety的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-28 15:32:59
  • 66

notoriety是什么意思 notoriety的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:Anyway, i did this house in Santa Monica, and it got a lot of notoriety.

翻译:(笑声) 好了,我在圣莫妮卡建了这个房子 后来变得臭名昭著。



例句:A notoriety aided by dollar-a-shot Wednesdays.

翻译:通过计算机辅助名声远扬 一美元周三出手。



例句:Stern, Chicago's renowned civil rights attorney, first gained notoriety crusading against police brutality in the 1970s.

翻译:Stern是芝加哥著名的律师 在70年代因讨伐罪而一炮成名。



例句:There is a funny thing about notoriety, and i have a little experience with this.

翻译:臭名昭著是件很有趣的事 虽然我并没有什么经验。





1. Stern, Chicago's renowned civil rights attorney, first gained notoriety crusading against police brutality in the 1970s.

翻译:Stern是芝加哥著名的律师 在70年代因讨伐罪而一炮成名。

2. There is a funny thing about notoriety, and i have a little experience with this.

翻译:臭名昭著是件很有趣的事 虽然我并没有什么经验。

3. And i'm going, what do i do with this notoriety that the book has brought?

翻译:而我总在想,我应该怎么对待这些, 这本书带来的这些臭名气。

4. You'd think the Nobel Prize alone would ensure you that kind of notoriety.

翻译:你认为一个诺贝尔奖 就会令你臭名远扬 我...。

5. And there's been international notoriety as a result of it.


6. The small businessmen. You see, that's why i started a little campaign, to spread some false notoriety.

翻译:琌и硂ネ种 ┮и碞龟琁瑸购。

7. No matter how tempting it will be to gain personal fortune or notoriety by say, being the first person to list the Contra code for up, up, down, down, ieft-right, ieft-right, B-A-start.

翻译:不管它们会带来多少个人财富 或是使我们臭名昭著 不能做第一个泄露魂斗罗通关密码的人。

8. There were benefits to my notoriety.


9. The funny thing about notoriety... especially the kind that needs adoration, fame for fame's sake... if unchecked, it inevitably leads to villainy.

翻译:关于臭名昭著这件事 有件有趣的事实... ...尤其是当它的来源是崇拜 或是名望... ...如果不加以控制 将不可避免地变成坏事。

10. And notoriety and this sensational publicity... and i'd said, "Your Honor, i'm willing to enter a plea of 'guilty'... and let you sentence them to life in imprisonment"... do you suppose the State's Attorneys would raise their voices in protest?

翻译:这么声名远扬, 耸人听闻... 我会说,"法官大人, 我恳求判有罪"... 判他们终生监禁...。

11. Born in Bhiwandi, that's where l grew up and earned my notoriety.

翻译:生于长于皮瓦恩迪 声名狼藉。

12. Across town, located in the teeming metropolis... known as downtown Baltimore... live Connie and Raymond Marble, two jealous perverts... that hate Divine's fame and notoriety... more than anything in the whole world.

翻译:镇子对面 繁华的都会巴尔的摩城里 住着一对妒忌的对头 Connie和Raymond Marble。

13. You have amassed wealth, fame, and notoriety, based upon your story of survival.

翻译:凭着一张能把牛吹上天的大嘴 你发大财 做名人 红遍大江南北。

14. i've devoted my life to this institute and now look at the notoriety.

翻译:我献身研究所事业 现在看看臭名远扬。

15. Because Stephen couldn't care less about recognition or notoriety.

翻译:因为Stephen 一点也不在乎名利。




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