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subsidy是什么意思 subsidy的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-02-03 05:48:42
  • 145

subsidy是什么意思 subsidy的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:it's not just that. With the subsidy, he'll break even, at best.

翻译:不止这样 有了这个补助方案 他顶多收支相抵。



例句:i could apply for subsidy too




例句:So even with partial subsidy, three dollars is still not the full cost of a bed net, and now you only have 20 percent of the people with the bed nets, you lose the health immunity, that's not great.

翻译:即使有部分补助- 3美元依然不是蚊帐的完全花费 现在你只有20%的人拥有蚊帐 你失去了[覆盖率] 那样不好。



例句:He would retain his palaces, and he paid an annual subsidy of four million dollars.




subsidy一般作为名词使用,如在differential construction subsidy(造船差额补贴)、differential operating subsidy(营运差额补贴)、energy subsidy(辅加能量)等常见短语中出现较多。

differential construction subsidy造船差额补贴
differential operating subsidy营运差额补贴
energy subsidy辅加能量
equipment subsidy[网络] 征用船舶的设备补贴
interest subsidy fund利息补贴基金
interest subsidy scheme[财]利息补贴方法
subsidy arrangement补贴措施
subsidy assistance[劳经] 津贴补助


1. So even with partial subsidy, three dollars is still not the full cost of a bed net, and now you only have 20 percent of the people with the bed nets, you lose the health immunity, that's not great.

翻译:即使有部分补助- 3美元依然不是蚊帐的完全花费 现在你只有20%的人拥有蚊帐 你失去了[覆盖率] 那样不好。

2. He would retain his palaces, and he paid an annual subsidy of four million dollars.


3. You could desalinate your soil by replacing wheat with mallee scrub and that'll earn you big CER bucks into the UN trade subsidy.

翻译:爱搞近亲繁殖的尖头羊... 并以为文化是优格? 是啊,汤姆,既然你这么厉害。

4. 560 euros, excluding the subsidy.

翻译:560欧, 不包括补贴金。

5. So even with partial subsidy, three dollars is still not the full cost of a bed net, and now you only have 20 percent of the people with the bed nets, you lose the health immunity, that's not great.

翻译:即使有部分补助- 3美元依然不是蚊帐的完全花费 现在你只有20%的人拥有蚊帐 你失去了[覆盖率] 那样不好。

6. it recognizes that the market has its limitation, and so patient capital also works with smart subsidy to extend the benefits of a global economy to include all people.

翻译:它意识到市场有其局限性。所以耐心资本也同时着力于 有力的补贴来增加全球经济的利润, 以包括所有人员。

7. He told me you had a productive talk, that he was on board with the subsidy.

翻译:他跟我说你们的谈话很有收获 他同意补助方案。

8. So here you have it, grid-level storage: silent, emissions-free, no moving parts, remotely controlled, designed to the market price point without subsidy.

翻译:在此,我们在网格级存储级别上实现了它: 无声无排放 无移动部件, 可远程控制, 而且价格适中 【不需资助(这点我不知道怎么翻)】。

9. Your emperor wants to raise his subsidy... to 300,000 coins.

翻译:你的国王想提高他的补贴... 至30万金币。

10. And third, it had to be cost-effective without subsidy or without mandate.

翻译:再次 它必须是合算的 不需要任何补助或是命令。

11. i mean, think about it: How does a friendship become a subsidy?

翻译:我的意思是,考虑一下: 如何将友谊转化为财富。

12. The service is -- (Applause) fully self-sustainable from its own revenues, without accessing any public funds, and the cross-subsidy model actually works, where the rich pays higher, poor pays lower, and the accident victim is getting the service free of charge.

翻译:此服务是— (鼓掌) 自给自足的, 不需要任何公共资金的援助 而且这中交叉补贴模式的确有效, 富人支付更多的钱而穷人则少付, 事故的受害者们则完全免费。

13. Acknowledge Constantine that we wont be paying the subsidy any more.


14. Why does the establishment ignore their subsidy?

翻译:精英阶层怎么不补贴它? Why does the establishment Ignore their subsidy。

15. Besides, we should double the subsidy for Orhan to 600,000 coins.

翻译:另外 我们要求他对Orhan的供奉提高一倍 提到六十万。




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