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proclaiming是什么意思 proclaiming的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-26 13:24:55
  • 72

proclaiming是什么意思 proclaiming的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:Hitler had abolished the office of president, proclaiming himself Fuhrer and Chancellor, head of state and government.

翻译:就已经废除了总统职务, 宣布他自己为元首和, 国家和的.。



例句:He toasted me, proclaiming, as he raised his glass, that he had no betterfriend than Jacek Soplica.




例句:We take pride in proclaiming this day Superman Day... and offering you the Key to the City.

翻译:我们很骄傲的宣怖 今天为超人纪念日... 并将市钥赠送予你。





1. We take pride in proclaiming this day Superman Day... and offering you the Key to the City.

翻译:我们很骄傲的宣怖 今天为超人纪念日... 并将市钥赠送予你。

2. And then parade this man through the streets, proclaiming,

翻译:带领这位仆人 在街上,大声宣告。

3. They feature men in uniform, proudly proclaiming why they don't buy.

翻译:他们穿上, 骄傲地宣称自己为什么不参与。

4. Will you be proclaiming some more?


5. Okay, since he's proclaiming the leader of the band...


6. The very next day, one of them walked into the temple itself proclaiming his profanity.

翻译:就在第二天 The very next day, 他们其中一人居然大摇大摆走入神殿 one of them walked into the temple itself 满口亵渎神明 proclaiming his profanity.。

7. We saw you walking around Aix, proud and virtually proclaiming the right to sale things.

翻译:我们看到过你 在艾克斯四周走动,自豪地,实质地宣告 关于节约(物质)的权利。

8. Proclaiming Versailles extinct, he proposed a limit on armaments.

翻译:一边宣称凡尔赛条约无效, 他一边又提出了限制军备的建议.。

9. Their songs carry for many miles across the canopy, proclaiming that this piece of forest is theirs.

翻译:它们用来宣示地盘的歌声 在树冠层中可传到数公里之外。

10. Or is he looking back over his handiwork, the universe and his treasures, just like Michelangelo must have, looking back over his work in the ceiling and proclaiming, "it is good."

翻译:或是在欣赏他的作品, 欣赏这个宇宙和他的宝藏, 就如当时的米开朗基罗一样, 回顾这他在屋顶的画作 并大喊,"这不错。“。

11. But, in proclaiming his view of salvation, Luther risked death at the stake.

翻译:还有一点,路德是冒着生命危险 来宣布他的拯救观的。

12. in other world news, now that the Cold War is finally over Berliners are proclaiming a new era, here where Soviet and US tanks faced each other in the darkest days of the...

翻译:在世界另一端冷战已结束 柏林围墙瓦解两年后的今天 ...柏林人准备迎接新的。

13. There was talk of some King of the Jews proclaiming himself as we came in from the coast.

翻译:我们从海边来的时候 听说有个犹太人自称为王。

14. And so for days and days... the helpless viewing public was subjected to seminars... and endless roundtables... with specialists from around the world... proclaiming their general ignorance.

翻译:所以 日复一日... 尚未失明的无助人们 以及国内外专家 不断被带到讨论会上。

15. Didn't you sign a form proclaiming that she isn't our king's daughter?





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