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michener是什么意思 michener的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-08 02:20:46
  • 88

michener是什么意思 michener的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

michener在中文中有"米舍内、米歇纳"的意思,其中文解释还有"法"的意思,发音音标为[美 ],michener常被用作名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到14个与michener相关的释义和例句。



例句:And so i used to read authors like James Michener and James Clavell and Ayn Rand.

翻译:我那时阅读的作者有詹姆斯·米切内 詹姆斯·克拉维尔和安·兰顿。



例句:Alison Michener, radical organiser of women's unions, co-founder of the National Committee Against War And Repression.

翻译:艾莉森·米切纳 女性联盟的激进组织者 全国反战及反压迫 委员会的共同创始人。



例句:As swift as they were for Jeffrey Michener.




例句:My understanding is that President Michener once offered you those ships and you turned him down, choosing to run this operation solo.

翻译:我记得米切纳总统之前想要给你提供帮助 然而你拒绝了 选择单独行动。



michener一般作为名词使用,如在James Albert Michener([网络] 密契纳;密奇尼)、james albert micheners([网络] 密契纳;密奇尼\n(james albert michener 的复数))、James Michener([网络] 米契纳;密契纳;詹姆斯米契纳)等常见短语中出现较多。

James Albert Michener[网络] 密契纳;密奇尼
james albert micheners[网络] 密契纳;密奇尼\n(james albert michener 的复数)
James Michener[网络] 米契纳;密契纳;詹姆斯米契纳
james micheners[网络] 米契纳;密契纳;詹姆斯米契纳\n(james michener 的复数)


1. As swift as they were for Jeffrey Michener.


2. My understanding is that President Michener once offered you those ships and you turned him down, choosing to run this operation solo.

翻译:我记得米切纳总统之前想要给你提供帮助 然而你拒绝了 选择单独行动。

3. Mary Ellen Michener: 7 to 10 years in a federal penitentiary.

翻译:玛丽·艾伦·米切纳: 入狱7至10年。

4. James Arthur Kohler, Allison Michener,

翻译:詹姆斯·亚瑟·科勒... ...。

5. You knew that Michener was moving too fast, that America wasn't healthy enough to go back to the way things were.

翻译:你早就知道米切纳推进的节奏太快 美国现在的健康程度 不足以恢复到原来的状态。

6. He orchestrated the deaths of Jeffrey Michener and those loyal to him so that he could take office and create a dictatorship.

翻译:他策划了杰夫瑞·米切纳及其追随者 以便执掌权位 并建立政权。

7. i was the James Michener of dirty talk.


8. in only two weeks since the restructuring of our government, the Michener shortages in our region are over.

翻译:在重组 短短两周之后 我们就解决了 米切纳时期遗留下来的地区内物资短缺问题。

9. Don't worry too much about what Michener said.

翻译:不要太担心米歇纳所说的 Don't worry too much about what Michener said.。

10. i love James Michener! And i'm not going to stop loving him!

翻译:我就是理查德·詹姆斯的脑残粉 我还要继续脑残下去。

11. Mr. Michener, here, is your Berlin .

翻译:这位米歇纳先生是你在柏林的护卫 Mr. Michener, here, is your Berlin .。

12. Mary Ellen Michener: 7 to 10 years in a penitentiary, or Punishment Park?

翻译:玛丽·艾伦·米切纳: 入狱7至10年 还是惩罚公园。

13. i was pretty sure you weren't crazy, but with Oliver reversing Michener's policies,

翻译:我确定你之前不是在发疯 但前有奥利弗撤销米切纳的政策。

14. And people complained about Michener's ration cards.


15. So what's wrong with James Michener?

翻译:- 到底怎么了。




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