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complicit是什么意思 complicit的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-02-08 15:30:59
  • 82

complicit是什么意思 complicit的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

complicit的意思是"同谋的 、同谋的",其中文解释还有"与某人在某事上"的意思,发音音标为[kəmpl'isit],complicit常被用作形容词,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到74个与complicit相关的同义词和例句。



例句:i have been complicit in an undertaking with one horrible purpose-- to destroy the Glades and everyone in it.

翻译:我参与了一项事业 它有一个恐怖的目的 摧毁贫民区以及里面每一个人。



例句:Cheryl is compliant, she's not complicit.




例句:Your refusal to explain yourself just makes you look complicit.

翻译:你拒绝为自己辩解 只会让你显得更可疑 Your refusal to explain yourself just makes you look complicit.。



例句:The question is, as a building professional, as an architect, an engineer, as a developer, if you know this is going on, as we go to the sights every single week, are you complacent or complicit in the human rights violations?

翻译:我们所要提出的问题是:作为房建的专业人士, 无论你是建筑师,工程师,或是开发商 如果你知道这些状况的发生 就像我们每周去工地查看时一样, 你会自满自足,并间接地 去违背吗。





1. Your refusal to explain yourself just makes you look complicit.

翻译:你拒绝为自己辩解 只会让你显得更可疑 Your refusal to explain yourself just makes you look complicit.。

2. The question is, as a building professional, as an architect, an engineer, as a developer, if you know this is going on, as we go to the sights every single week, are you complacent or complicit in the human rights violations?

翻译:我们所要提出的问题是:作为房建的专业人士, 无论你是建筑师,工程师,或是开发商 如果你知道这些状况的发生 就像我们每周去工地查看时一样, 你会自满自足,并间接地 去违背吗。

3. Altogether, Fahrenheit 451 is a portrait of independent thought on the brink of extinction - and a parable about a society which is complicit in its own combustion.

翻译:总体说,《华氏451度》描绘的是独立的思想 摇摆在灭绝的边缘—— 而它也是一个寓言故事,说明了 社会其实也是使它自己燃烧的共犯之一。

4. New testimony has implicated that former president reynolds was complicit in the falsification of...brother***death.

翻译:新证言表明前总统Reynolds 参与伪造其兄Terrance Steadman的死亡。

5. Thomas and David were complicit in this treachery.


6. - When you made Brooke complicit.


7. is that because the prosecution was complicit in your confession?


8. "was he then complicit in the Capitol tragedy?"


9. We need more men with the guts, with the courage, with the strength, with the moral integrity to break our complicit silence and challenge each other and stand with women and not against them.

翻译:我们需要有勇气的男人, 有胆量,有能力,有道德的 去破解这些沉默然后挑战他们。然后和女人站在同一阵线,不是对抗她们。

10. And i have been complicit...

翻译:我也难逃其咎... ... And I have been complicit...。

11. This is about whether or not he was complicit in the witness' death.

翻译:这是关于他是否串通一气 导致证人的死亡。

12. But that would make the parents complicit in the abuse.

翻译:但这会使得父母成为同伙. 罗里叹气声。

13. Yeah, well, the phone companies still were complicit in this;

翻译:是啊,手机 公司仍然是 同谋。

14. He is complicit with them.


15. Unless we take a stand and fight back now while we can, we will be complicit in our own extinction.

翻译:除非趁还有机会进行反击 否则我们就是在自取灭亡。


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