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allopurinol是什么意思 allopurinol的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-06 04:19:41
  • 55

allopurinol是什么意思 allopurinol的读音、翻译、用法




1. Allopurinol is a drug that can reduce uric acid levels in the blood.(艾乐普林是一种可以减少血液中尿酸水平的药物。)

2. Patients with gout often take allopurinol to prevent flare-ups.(痛风患者常常服用艾乐普林以预防复发。)

3. Allopurinol is not recommended for patients who are allergic to it.(对艾乐普林过敏的患者不建议使用。)

4. The doctor prescribed allopurinol to control the patient's hyperuricemia.(医生开了艾乐普林来控制患者的高尿酸血症。)

5. Allopurinol can cause side effects such as nausea and rash in some patients.(在一些患者中,艾乐普林可能会引起恶心、皮疹等副作用。)

6. Allopurinol should be taken with plenty of water to prevent kidney stones.(为了预防肾结石,艾乐普林应该服用时多喝水。)

7. The dosage of allopurinol may need to be adjusted depending on individual conditions.(艾乐普林的剂量可能需要根据个体情况进行调整。)

8. Some foods, such as red meat and seafood, can increase uric acid levels and counteract the effects of allopurinol.(一些食物,比如红肉和海鲜,会增加尿酸水平,抵消艾乐普林的效果。)

9. Allopurinol is a safe and effective drug for the treatment of gout when used properly under medical supervision.(在医疗监督下适当使用,艾乐普林是治疗痛风的一种安全有效的药物。)


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