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Dicruridae是什么意思 Dicruridae的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-15 12:58:40
  • 60

Dicruridae是什么意思 Dicruridae的读音、翻译、用法

1. 'Dicruridae'是拉丁语,意为食蜜鸟科。

2. 这个词通常被翻译为“食蜜鸟科”。

3. Dicruridae是一种鸟类科,包括了食蜜鸟、八哥等多个属。

4. 食蜜鸟科对于维持森林生态系统的平衡具有重要作用。

5. Dicruridae的属种数量非常丰富。

6. 食蜜鸟科鸟类的繁殖期与不同地区的气候变化密切相关。

7. Dicruridae鸟类具有很高的辨识度,容易被人们认出。

8. 食蜜鸟科鸟类喜欢栖息于森林中的树枝上。

9. Dicruridae是热带和带地区常见的鸟类科之一。

1. The Dicruridae family includes many species, such as the drongos and the monarchs. (Dicruridae这个科包括了多种鸟类,例如八哥和王鹟等。)

2. The drongos in the Dicruridae family are known for their unique vocalizations. (食蜜鸟科的八哥因其独特的鸣叫声而出名。)

3. The breeding habits of Dicruridae species vary greatly depending on their habitat. (食蜜鸟科的物种的繁殖习性因其栖息地的不同而有很大区别。)

4. The Dicruridae family is often found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. (食蜜鸟科鸟类通常分布在全球的热带和带地区。)

5. The plumage of Dicruridae species can be quite striking, with many featuring bold black and white patterns. (食蜜鸟科鸟类的羽毛通常非常醒目,很多种类都有黑白分明的图案。)

6. Many Dicruridae species are known for their acrobatic flying skills. (许多食蜜鸟科的鸟类以其高超的飞行技巧而闻名。)

7. The distinctive tail of the drongo, a member of the Dicruridae family, is used to help with balance during flight. (八哥这种食蜜鸟科鸟类的独巴可以帮助其在飞行中保持平衡。)

8. The monarch, a bird in the Dicruridae family, is known for its stunning orange and black plumage. (王鹟这种食蜜鸟科鸟类以其绚丽的橙黑色羽毛而闻名。)

9. Some Dicruridae species are known to engage in cooperative breeding behaviors, with multiple birds helping to raise offspring. (有些食蜜鸟科鸟类因其协同育雏行为而受到注目,多只鸟共同抚养幼鸟。)


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