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Endothia parasitica是什么意思 Endothia parasitica的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-17 06:50:59
  • 637

Endothia parasitica是什么意思 Endothia parasitica的读音、翻译、用法

'Endothia parasitica'是拉丁语,翻译成中文是“寄生内疣孢菌”。它是一种真菌,主要寄生在树木上,引起树木的病害。


1. The outbreak of 'Endothia parasitica' has caused a significant loss to the forest industry.(大规模爆发的“寄生内疣孢菌”已经给森林产业带来了重大损失。)

2. The researchers are studying the characteristics of 'Endothia parasitica' to find a way to prevent it from spreading.(研究人员正在研究“寄生内疣孢菌”的特点,以找到防止其传播的方法。)

3. The presence of 'Endothia parasitica' can be detected through microscopic ysis of the diseased tissues.(通过对患病组织的显微镜分析,可以检测到“寄生内疣孢菌”的存在。)

4. The forest rangers are taking measures to control the spread of 'Endothia parasitica' to protect the healthy trees.(林区管理员正在采取措施控制“寄生内疣孢菌”的传播,保护健康的树木。)

5. The infestation of 'Endothia parasitica' has weakened the trees, them more susceptible to other diseases.(“寄生内疣孢菌”的侵染使得树木变得虚弱,更容易感染其他疾病。)

6. The researchers are studying the genetic makeup of 'Endothia parasitica' to learn more about its life cycle.(研究人员正在研究“寄生内疣孢菌”的基因组构成,以了解更多关于其生命循环的信息。)

7. The forest authorities are warning the public to be cautious of the spread of 'Endothia parasitica' to prevent further contamination.(森林管理局正在警告公众要谨慎防止“寄生内疣孢菌”的传播,以避免进一步染。)

8. The researchers' findings on 'Endothia parasitica' have provided important insights into the management of forest diseases.(研究人员对“寄生内疣孢菌”的研究成果为森林病害管理提供了重要的见解。)

9. The damage caused by 'Endothia parasitica' is not limited to the timber industry, but also affects the ecological balance of the forest.(“寄生内疣孢菌”造成的损害不仅限于木材工业,还会影响森林的生态平衡。)


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