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intensification是什么意思 intensification的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-13 00:42:46
  • 88

intensification是什么意思 intensification的读音、翻译、用法



1. The intensification of trade relations between the two countries has brought about economic growth.(两国贸易关系的强化带来了经济增长。)

2. The use of adverbs can add intensification to the meaning of a verb.(使用副词可以增强动词的含义。)

3. The intensification of competition has forced companies to increase their marketing efforts.(竞争的加剧迫使公司加大了营销力度。)

4. The intensification of symptoms suggests that the disease is worsening.(症状的加剧表明疾病正在恶化。)

5. The intensification of conflicts between the two ethnic groups has led to violence.(两个民族之间冲突的加剧导致了暴力事件。)

6. The speaker used repetition for intensification of his point.(演讲者通过重复加强了自己的观点。)

7. The intensification of climate change poses a threat to the environment.(气候变化的加剧对环境构成威胁。)

8. The use of exction marks can indicate intensification of emotion.(感叹号的使用可以表示情感的强烈。)

9. The intensification of political tensions has led to diplomatic disputes between the two countries.(紧张局势的加剧导致了两国之间的外交争端。)


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