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senior是什么意思 senior的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-08-11 16:16:08
  • 130

senior是什么意思 senior的读音、翻译、用法




1. He is a senior executive in the company.(他是公司的高级职员。)

2. My grandfather is a senior citizen.(我的爷爷是一位老年人。)

3. She is a senior member of the board.(她是董事会的资深成员。)

4. He is a senior partner in the law firm.(他是律师事务所的高级合伙人。)

5. He is a senior professor at the university.(他是大学的高级教授。)

6. I am a senior in high school.(我是高中的高年级学生。)

7. He is a senior manager in the hotel.(他是酒店的高级经理。)

8. She is a senior officer in the army.(她是的高级军官。)

9. He is a senior diplomat in the government.(他是的高级外交官。)


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