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Selachimorpha是什么意思 Selachimorpha的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-20 10:46:10
  • 66

Selachimorpha是什么意思 Selachimorpha的读音、翻译、用法



1. Selachimorpha包括很多种鲨鱼,比如白鲨和虎鲨。

(中文翻译:The Selachimorpha includes many species of sharks, such as the great white and tiger shark.)

2. 学习Selachimorpha的分类学可以帮助我们更好地理解这些神秘动物的行为和生活习性。

(中文翻译:Studying the taxonomy of Selachimorpha can help us better understand the behavior and habits of these mysterious animals.)

3. Selachimorpha的头部结构是这个类群的重要特征之一。

(中文翻译:The head structure of Selachimorpha is one of the important features of this group.)

4. 鲨鱼是Selachimorpha类群的成员,它们在海洋食物链中扮演着重要角色。

(中文翻译:Sharks are members of the Selachimorpha group, playing an important role in the ocean food chain.)

5. 许多Selachimorpha类群的鲨鱼都有锐利的牙齿和强大的咬合力。

(中文翻译:Many sharks in the Selachimorpha group have sharp teeth and strong bite force.)

6. 有些Selachimorpha鲨鱼可以长达70年的寿命。

(中文翻译:Some Selachimorpha sharks can live up to 70 years.)

7. Selachimorpha类群的鲨鱼在繁殖季节会聚集在特定的海域。

(中文翻译:Sharks in the Selachimorpha group gather in specific areas during the breeding season.)

8. 鲨鱼的特殊身体结构是Selachimorpha类群的重要特征之一。

(中文翻译:The unique body structure of sharks is one of the important features of the Selachimorpha group.)

9. Selachimorpha的研究对于维护海洋生态环境和保护鲨鱼种群具有重要意义。

(中文翻译:The study of Selachimorpha is of great significance for maintaining the marine ecological environment and protecting shark populations.)


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