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one more thing是什么意思 one more thing的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-05-16 13:56:24
  • 599

one more thing是什么意思 one more thing的读音、翻译、用法

我会尽力回答这个问题,但是“one more thing”不是一个单词或缩写词,而是一个短语,所以的解释和例句都是基于短语“one more thing”展开的。

1. 含义:这个短语通常用于向别人说话前,表示自己还有一件事情要补充或提醒,类似于“还有一件事”,“最后再说一件事”。


- I think we've covered everything we need to discuss. One more thing before we go – remember to sign the contract before Friday.

- Thanks for the presentation. One more thing – can you send me the slides so I can review them later?

- I just wanted to remind you of one more thing before you leave – don't forget to turn off the lights and lock the door.

2. 正式性:使用“one more thing”可以帮助人们在正式场合下更好地引入自己的想法或观点,增加说话的自信和权威性。


- Mr. Chairman, I agree with everything that's been said so far. One more thing I'd like to add is that we need to consider the impact of this decision on smaller businesses in the region.

- As your lawyer, I advise you to plead guilty. One more thing – we might be able to negotiate a lighter sentence if you show remorse and cooperate with the authorities.

- As your doctor, I recommend that you continue taking your medication as prescribed. One more thing – be sure to get enough rest and eat a healthy diet to help manage your condition.

3. 不确定性:有时候,使用“one more thing”可以表达自己对某个话题或决定的犹豫和不确定感。


- I'm inclined to support this proposal, but one more thing I need to consider is whether it's financially feasible for our organization.

- I understand your point of view, but one more thing I would like to know is how this new policy will affect our customers.

- I'm tempted to take this job offer, but one more thing I want to clarify is whether there's room for growth and advancement within the company.

4. 推销技巧:在销售或营销中,使用“one more thing”可以帮助销售人员增加对客户的影响力和说服力,引起客户的注意并提供更多信息。


- This car has all the latest features and technology. One more thing – it has a five-star safety rating, which means you can feel confident and secure on the road.

- Our product is not only affordable, but also high-quality and durable. One more thing – we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, so there's no risk for you to try it out.

- Our service is fast, reliable, and efficient. One more thing – we provide 24/7 customer support to ensure your complete satisfaction.

5. 幽默感:在某些情况下,使用“one more thing”可以增加一些幽默感,让交流更加轻松和有趣。


- I love spending time with you, but one more thing – can you please stop snoring so loud?

- Your presentation was excellent, but one more thing – next time, try not to wear those bright yellow ss, they're a little distracting!

- I appreciate your feedback, but one more thing – if you're going to criticize me, at least spell my name right!


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