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关于电子商务用英语怎么说 关于电子商务英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-12-03 07:46:20
  • 66

关于电子商务用英语怎么说 关于电子商务英语翻译

关于电子商务的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为e-business,其次还可以说成"electronic commerce",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到84个与关于电子商务相关的译文和例句。

3. There are now 650 million digital news consumers, 580 million digital video consumers, and the country's largest e-commerce platform, Taobao, now boasts 580 million monthly active users.

译文:有6.5亿数字新闻消费者, 5.8亿数字视频用户, 中国最大的电子商务平台,淘宝, 现在每个月的 活跃用户多达5.8亿人。

4. (Laughter) if i controlled the internet, you could auction your broken heart on eBay.

译文:(笑声) 如果我主宰了互联网 你可以在eBay(全球最大C2C电子商务网站)上拍卖你破碎的心。

5. Cobalt... Cobalt... Cobalt...

6. KB: Definitely. We are looking for as many people as we can, because now that the foundation's in the beginning process, i am trying to learn a lot about how to operate, how to get funding or reach out to more organizations, and especially in the e-commerce, which is very new for me.

译文:KB:是的。我们正在找寻尽量多的人, 因为目前基金会正处于初始阶段, 我正在学习如何运作, 如何获取经费,以及如何帮助更多组织, 尤其是电子商务,对我来说还很陌生。

7. - i'm commercial. Strictly commercial.

11. i had never held the title of Product Manager before i sent my resume in to Etsy.

译文:在我送简历到 Etsy(电子商务网站)之前, 我从来没当过产品经理。

12. i'm an in-house e-commerce masseuse.

13. Turns out e-commerce was something that was very hard and very costly.

14. Online commerce has in some cases completely turned upside down the way commerce works altogether, made types of commerce available which weren't available at all before.

译文:电子商务在某些情况下 彻底颠覆了整个商业活动的运作方式 使得各种之前不可行的商业类型 变得可行。

15. it's business appropriate.


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