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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-18 05:51:51
  • 948


1. 飞机的种类及构造:飞机英语可以涉及到各种类型和构造的飞机,如喷气式飞机、直升机、双翼飞机等,同时还可以描述飞机的各个部件以及其功能。


- The jet airliner is one of the most common types of aircraft used for commercial air travel.

- Helicopters are able to hover and fly vertically, them very versatile for many different purposes.

- A biplane is a type of aircraft with two sets of wings stacked one above the other.

- The landing gear on an airplane consists of wheels, struts, and other mechanisms that support the aircraft during takeoff and landing.

- The pit is the area of the airplane where the pilots sit and control the aircraft.

2. 飞行过程中的术语和场景:飞机英语也可以涉及到飞行过程中的各种术语、场景和动作,如起飞、降落、飞行高度、飞行速度、气压等。


- The airplane began its takeoff roll down the runway, gradually picking up speed until it lifted off the ground.

- The pilot announced that we would be starting our descent into the airport, and instructed us to fasten our seatbelts.

- The aircraft reached an altitude of 30,000 feet and leveled off, cruising at a speed of 500 miles per hour.

- The air traffic controller told the pilot to increase his altitude to avoid another aircraft that was flying at a lower level.

- The cabin pressure inside the airplane is maintained at a comfortable level throughout the flight.

3. 飞机乘客的行为规定:飞机英语还可以涉及到飞机乘客的行为规定,如安全规定、禁止品规定、座位安排等。


- Passengers are required to fasten their seatbelts when the seatbelt sign is illuminated, and to remain seated until it is turned off.

- Smoking is strictly prohibited on all flights, and violators can face severe penalties.

- Electronic devices that emit radio signals, such as cell phones, must be turned off or put in airplane mode during takeoff and landing.

- Passengers are asked to stow their carry-on luggage in the overhead compartments or under the seat in front of them to ensure that the aisle is clear.

- Seats are assigned to passengers based on their preference, ticket class, and availability.

4. 飞机的安全和紧急情况应对:飞机英语还可以涉及到飞机的安全和紧急情况应对,如安全检查、紧急逃生、飞机故障处理等。


- Flight attendants conduct a safety demonstration before takeoff, showing passengers how to fasten their seatbelts, use the oxygen masks, and locate the emergency exits.

- In the event of an emergency evacuation, passengers are instructed to leave their belongings behind and follow the illuminated path to the nearest exit.

- Pilots and flight crews are trained to handle various types of aircraft malfunctions, such as engine failure, hydraulic problems, and electrical faults.

- Airports conduct security checks on all passengers and their belongings before boarding the aircraft, to ensure that no prohibited items are brought on board.

- Passengers are reminded to remain calm and follow the instructions of the flight crew in the event of an emergency.


1. 喷气式客机是商业航空旅行中最常见的飞机类型之一。

The jet airliner is one of the most common types of aircraft used for commercial air travel.

2. 飞机起飞后开始加速行驶,逐渐加速,直到离地。

The airplane began its takeoff roll down the runway, gradually picking up speed until it lifted off the ground.

3. 所有航班都禁止吸烟,违反者将面临严厉的惩罚。

Smoking is strictly prohibited on all flights, and violators can face severe penalties.

4. 在紧急撤离的情况下,乘客被指示放下所有物品,跟随照明路径到最近的出口。

In the event of an emergency evacuation, passengers are instructed to leave their belongings behind and follow the illuminated path to the nearest exit.

5. 飞机飞行时达到的高度为30,000英尺,巡航速度为500英里每小时。

The aircraft reached an altitude of 30,000 feet and leveled off, cruising at a speed of 500 miles per hour.


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