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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-06 12:27:41
  • 918


1. 表达情感方面:说出这句话的人可能感到挫败、沮丧或气馁,因为无法克服难点或困难。首先,也有可能是身体不适或情感上的困扰造成的不适感。


- I feel so frustrated and discouraged, English is so hard for me.

- I'm really struggling with English, it's me feel down.

- English is overwhelming for me, I feel so overwhelmed and defeated.

- I'm feeling sick and exhausted, learning English is just too hard for me.

2. 学习困难方面:学生可能遇到了令他们困惑的语法规则、发音或较高的词汇量,而感到无从下手,自己的努力也没有带来太多进展。


- I can't seem to grasp the concept of English grammar, it's so difficult for me.

- Pronouncing English words properly is just too challenging for me, I feel so helpless.

- The amount of vocabulary in English is overwhelming, I can't keep up and it's causing me a lot of stress.

- I'm having a hard time progress in English, I feel stuck and frustrated.

3. 文化差异方面:尤其是非母语学习者,可能会因为与英语文化不同而感到困难。例如,口音、谚语和习语等。


- I find it hard to understand English idioms and expressions, they're so different from my own language.

- English unciation is so different from what I'm used to, it's really tough for me.

- Cultural differences are it hard for me to learn English, there's just so much I don't understand.

- The language barrier is causing me a lot of frustration and discomfort, I feel like I can't communicate effectively in English.

4. 自信方面:当学生只看到自己的错误和缺点时,他们可能感到自卑,觉得自己永远无法掌握英语。


- I'm so embarrassed when I make mistakes in English, it makes me feel like I'll never get it right.

- English is so hard that it's really affecting my confidence, I feel like I'm never going to be good enough.

- I'm so self-conscious when I speak English, it's hard to shake the feeling that I'm doing something wrong.

- English is me feel really insecure about myself, I'm starting to doubt my own abilities.


1. I'm so frustrated and discouraged, English is so hard for me. 我感到非常挫败和沮丧,英语对我来说太难了。

2. Pronouncing English words properly is just too challenging for me, I feel so helpless. 正确发音对我来说太难了,我感到无助。

3. Cultural differences are it hard for me to learn English, there's just so much I don't understand. 文化差异让我学习英语变得很困难,有很多东西我不理解。

4. I'm so self-conscious when I speak English, it's hard to shake the feeling that I'm doing something wrong. 我讲英语时很自我意识,很难去掉做错什么的感觉。

5. English is overwhelming for me, I feel so overwhelmed and defeated. 英语对我来说太压抑了,我感到很沮丧和失败。


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