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我们可以做朋友吗用英语怎么说 (含例句)

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-23 12:13:22
  • 175

我们可以做朋友吗用英语怎么说 (含例句)

1. 礼貌用语:'我们可以做朋友吗'是一种表达友好意愿及礼貌的用语。在英语中,可以使用类似的用语来表示同样的意思,例如:“Can we be friends?”,“Would you like to be friends?”等。


- Can we be friends? I think we have a lot in common.

- Would you like to be friends? I've been looking for someone to go to the theater with.

- Do you think we could become friends? I really enjoyed talking to you.

2. 社交约请:'我们可以做朋友吗'也可以作为一种社交约请,表达想要与对方建立更深层次的关系的意愿。在英语中,可以使用类似的用语来表示这个意思,例如:“Would you like to hang out sometime?”,“Do you want to grab a coffee sometime?”等。


- Would you like to hang out sometime? Maybe we could try that new sushi place.

- Do you want to grab a coffee sometime? I'd love to get to know you better.

- How about we go see a movie together? It could be fun.

3. 友善表达:'我们可以做朋友吗'也可以作为一种友善的表达,表达对对方的尊重和友好的态度。在英语中,可以使用类似的用语来表示这个意思,例如:“I'd really like to get to know you better.”,“You seem like a great person, would you like to hang out sometime?”等。


- I'd really like to get to know you better. Maybe we could go for a walk and chat sometime?

- You seem like a great person, would you like to hang out sometime? We could grab some lunch.

- Can I get your number? It would be great to keep in touch and maybe hang out sometime.

4. 社交礼仪:'我们可以做朋友吗'也可以作为一种社交礼仪,用来表达对对方的尊重和友好态度。在英语中,可以使用类似的用语来表示这个意思,例如:“It was really nice meeting you, maybe we could stay in touch?”,“I hope we can continue this conversation sometime.”等。


- It was really nice meeting you, maybe we could stay in touch? Here's my email address.

- I hope we can continue this conversation sometime. Would you like to grab lunch next week?

- Thank you for talking to me, you seem really interesting. Would you like to connect on social media sometime?


1. Can we be friends? I really enjoyed our conversation. (我们可以做朋友吗?我们的谈话很愉快。)

2. Would you like to grab dinner sometime? I think we'd make great friends. (你想一起吃晚餐吗?我觉得我们会成为好朋友。)

3. I'd really like to get to know you better. Maybe we could hang out sometime? (我真的很想了解你更多。也许我们可以一起出去玩。)

4. It was great meeting you, do you want to exchange numbers? (很高兴见到你,你想交换电话号码吗?)

5. I hope we can stay in touch, maybe we could grab coffee sometime. (希望我们能保持联系,也许我们可以一起喝咖啡。)


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