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李煜的诗词用英语怎么说 李煜的诗词英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-24 06:46:23
  • 70

李煜的诗词用英语怎么说 李煜的诗词英语翻译

李煜的诗词的英语是"negtive",还可以翻译为licentia poetica,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到23个与李煜的诗词相关的译文和例句。

译文:对诗词有兴趣的朋友 这是豪斯曼的《施罗普希尔的少年》。

2. - Neither is poetry, sir. - Mmm.

3. Let it carry us high above... Where we recite our poetry of love...

4. Your poetry course... it's not very popular.

5. And i thought, well, maybe that old doggerel by Joyce Kilmer, you know: "Poems are made by fools like me, but only God can make a tree."

译文:我想起了乔尔斯.基尔默的一首打油诗, “诗词歌赋写, 花草树木上帝造。”。

6. His speech is mingled with poetry ... and learned quotes.

7. Master Ng, you have such literary talent, you could write and teach.

8. The sonnet "To the Evening" is one of Foscolo's most inspired ones.

9. i've been working on a project for the last six years adapting children's poetry to music.

译文:在过去的六年里我一直从事于一项工作, 就是使孩子们的诗词与音乐相融合。

10. Because i'm an extension of my work, and if they love me, then they will love my work, and if they love my work, then they will love poetry, and if they love poetry, then i will have done my job, which is to transcend it to the world.

译文:因为我是我作品的延续, 假如他们喜欢我,自然就会喜欢我的作品, 如果他们喜欢我的作品,就会喜欢诗词, 如果他们喜欢诗歌,那我的使命就完成了, 我要使诗词在世界传播。

11. "Having an evening of international philosophy, poetry, song and meditation tonight at my salon."

12. Are you willing to study poems and songs with this fool at midnight in front of the willow?

译文:那你愿不愿意跟一个傻瓜 今晚三更时分,柳树之前 一起研究诗词歌赋呢,你说。

13. Poetry is about saying something from your heart, something personal.

14. What was it your poetry file had to say?

15. Words and poetry is what she loved.


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