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英语考不好家长意见怎么写评语 (含例句)

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-16 07:08:35
  • 506

英语考不好家长意见怎么写评语 (含例句)

1. 学习态度和努力程度:在评价学生英语成绩不理想时,需要考虑学生的学习态度和努力程度。如果学生表现出良好的学习态度和努力程度,但成绩仍然不理想,那么可以适当体现在评语中,并鼓励学生继续努力。


- Although the student's English grades are not ideal, I appreciate their positive learning attitude and efforts.

- The student has shown great efforts in English learning, but more practice and improvement are still needed.

- Despite the unsatisfactory performance in English tests, the student's perseverance and hard work are commendable.

- Although the student struggled in English this semester, I have seen progress and improvement in their attitude towards learning.

2. 学习方法和技巧:有时候,学生考不好英语成绩是因为学习方法和技巧不当。作为老师,可以在评语中提供一些建议和指导,帮助学生发现和改进学习方法和技巧,从而提高英语成绩。


- I suggest that the student review and practice English grammar more frequently to improve their language skills.

- The student needs to improve their reading comprehension ability by reading more English texts and yzing the content in depth.

- It would be helpful for the student to partite in more English speaking activities and practice unciation and intonation.

- The student could benefit from memorizing and reviewing English vocabulary regularly to enhance their language proficiency.

3. 个性和特长:学生的英语成绩不理想并不意味着他们在其他方面没有优点和特长。在评语中,可以适当提及学生在其他学科或领域的表现,以及个性和特长方面的优点,鼓励学生在自己擅长的领域发挥更好。


- Although the student struggled in English, their excellent performance in mathematics and science is admirable.

- The student demonstrates strong creativity and imagination in their art projects, which is a valuable trait in learning languages as well.

- Despite the weak English grades, the student is enthusiastic and active in sports activities, showing great potential in leadership and teamwork.

- The student's strong ytical and critical thinking abilities in social studies could be transferred to English language learning with proper guidance and practice.

4. 家庭和环境:评价学生英语成绩不理想时,也需要考虑家庭和环境因素对学生学习的影响。有时候,学生的家庭背景和环境无法提供良好的英语学习条件,这是需要理解和谅解的。在评语中,可以适当体现对学生家庭和环境的关注和支持。


- Considering the student's lack of exposure to English language and culture at home, their English grades are understandable, but there is still room for improvement.

- The student's performance in English is impacted by their family cirtances, and we should provide extra support and resources for them.

- Despite the challenges of learning English as a second language in a non-English speaking environment, the student shows determination and progress in their language acquisition.

- The student's English grades are affected by their physical or mental health issues, and we should provide necessary accommodations and assistance to facilitate their learning.


1. 尽管学生的英语成绩不理想,欣赏他们积极的学习态度和努力。

2. 我建议学生更频繁地复习和练习英语语法,以提高语言能力。

3. 尽管学生在英语方面有困难,他们在数学和科学方面表现出色,令人钦佩。

4. 考虑到学生在家中缺乏对英语语言和文化的接触,他们的英语成绩可以理解,但仍有改进的空间。

5. 学生的英语成绩受到他们的家庭情况的影响,我们应该为他们提供额外的支持和资源。


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