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高二选修一英语单词表 (含例句)

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-02 06:51:49
  • 538

高二选修一英语单词表 (含例句)

1. acquire - to gain possession of something through effort or skill. This word is commonly used in business and academic settings. Some common phrases with acquire include “acquire knowledge,” “acquire talent,” and “acquire a company.”

2. arduous - difficult and tiring, often involving a lot of physical or mental effort. This word can be used to describe a task, job, or journey. Some common phrases with arduous include “an arduous hike,” “an arduous project,” and “an arduous journey.”

3. astute - having or showing an ability to accurately s situations and people and turn this to your advantage. This word is often used in business and finance. Some common phrases with astute include “an astute investor,” “an astute negotiator,” and “an astute businesswoman.”

4. collaborate - to work together with someone on a project or task. This word is commonly used in academic and professional settings. Some common phrases with collaborate include “collaborate on a report,” “collaborate with a colleague,” and “collaborate with a team.”

5. delve - to search for and discover something by digging deep into a subject or idea. This word is often used in academic and intellectual settings. Some common phrases with delve include “delve into a topic,” “delve into a mcript,” and “delve deeper into a problem.”

6. emulate - to try to match or equal the achievements of someone else. This word is often used in sports and academic settings. Some common phrases with emulate include “emulate a champion,” “emulate a teacher,” and “emulate a mentor.”

7. fastidious - very attentive to detail and cleanliness. This word is commonly used to describe a person’s personal habits or preferences. Some common phrases with fastidious include “a fastidious eater,” “a fastidious organizer,” and “a fastidious cleaner.”

8. innovation - a new idea, method, or product that promotes progress and change. This word is commonly used in business and technology. Some common phrases with innovation include “innovative technology,” “innovative strategies,” and “innovative products.”

9. meticulous - showing great attention to detail and precision. This word is often used in academic and professional settings. Some common phrases with meticulous include “a meticulous writer,” “a meticulous planner,” and “a meticulous researcher.”

10. perseverance - the ability to persist through difficult times or challenges. This word is commonly used in motivational and self-help settings. Some common phrases with perseverance include “persevere through adversity,” “persevere in your studies,” and “persevere towards your goals.”

11. proficient - skilled and knowledgeable in a particular area or subject. This word is often used in academic and professional settings. Some common phrases with proficient include “proficient in a language,” “proficient in a skill,” and “proficient in a subject.”

12. resilient - able to recover quickly from difficult times. This word is commonly used in motivational and self-help settings. Some common phrases with resilient include “a resilient person,” “a resilient community,” and “a resilient economy.”

13. scrutinize - to examine something closely and carefully in order to form an opinion or make a decision about it. This word is often used in academic and professional settings. Some common phrases with scrutinize include “scrutinize a report,” “scrutinize a proposal,” and “scrutinize a potential employee.”

14. substantiate - to provide evidence or support for a claim or argument. This word is often used in academic and professional settings. Some common phrases with substantiate include “substantiate a theory,” “substantiate a claim,” and “substantiate an opinion.”

15. tenacity - determination and persistence in achieving a goal or objective. This word is commonly used in motivational and self-help settings. Some common phrases with tenacity include “show tenacity towards your goals,” “tenacity in the face of adversity,” and “tenacity in your studies.”


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