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一探究竟用英语怎么说 一探究竟英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-06 02:48:54
  • 217

一探究竟用英语怎么说 一探究竟英语翻译

一探究竟用英语翻译为"in hell",还网络中常译为"the deuce",在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到73个与一探究竟相关的翻译和例句。

All of which suggests that they merit a closer look.

1. i just stood in the garden, trying to stop myself from walking right inside.

2. i was perusing KicklnltTenstyle's and i learned some very life-changing intel on a surefire way to get into the university of your choice.

3. And we're trying to get a little bit closer here to find out what's going on.

4. So as a photographer, i wanted to explore what this problem really looks like.

译文, 我想对这个问题的一探究竟。

5. They just want to understand how everything works and experience as much of life as they can.

译文:他们只想知道万物如何存在, 并尽他们所能地一探究竟。

6. We're going to break into Saue's headquarters.

7. if they don't want you to get inside, they ought to build it better.

8. Well, that's what we aim to find out.

9. We nee to fin out what this is.

10. To understand, let's first have a look at how we actually sense food.

译文:要想一探究竟,我们还得来看看 人类是如何感知食物的。

11. Go ahead in back, check it out.

12. i'd like to see it, just out of curiosity.

13. But if we don't look, we'll never know.

14. i don't know! i don't know! Allright,shallwe jeff:

15. When i'm laying in bed with my wife, right, and she's sleeping and i'm watching her... and the minute that she opens her eyes...


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