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面食英语单词 (含例句)

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-12-13 14:51:27
  • 665

面食英语单词 (含例句)

1. Noodles (面条): thin strips of dough made from wheat, rice, or other cereal grains, often served in soup or stir-fried dishes

- Examples: ramen noodles, udon noodles, soba noodles

2. Dumplings (饺子): small pieces of dough filled with meat, vegetables, or other ingredients, and then boiled, steamed, or fried

- Examples: potstickers, xiaolongbao, pierogies

3. Buns (馒头): small, round, and soft breads, often served steamed or baked

- Examples: mantou, baozi, hot cross buns

4. Pancakes (煎饼): flat cakes made from a batter of flour, eggs, and milk or water, often served for breakfast or brunch

- Examples: crepes, blinis, galettes

5. Wrappers (饺子皮/春卷皮): thin sheets of dough used to wrap fillings, often for dumplings, spring rolls, or other types of dim sum

- Examples: wonton wrappers, egg roll wrappers, spring roll wrappers

6. Rice Noodles (米粉): long, thin noodles made from rice flour, often used in soups or stir-fry dishes

- Examples: pho, pad thai, vermicelli

7. Congee (粥): a type of rice porridge typically made by boiling rice in water or broth, often served as a breakfast or comfort food

- Examples: chicken congee, seafood congee, sweet potato congee

8. Shaobing (烧饼): a type of baked, layered bread often filled with savory ingredients such as pork or scallions

- Examples: sesame shaobing, meat floss shaobing, scallion shaobing

Some common phrases and idioms related to Chinese food and specifically, Chinese noodles:

- "Have you tried the noodles at that new restaurant?" (你去那家新开的餐厅尝过那家的面条了吗?)

- "Let's go grab some dumplings for lunch" (我们赶紧去吃点儿饺子吧)

- "The buns here are so fluffy and delicious" (这里的馒头又松又软,味道好极了)

- "I love ordering a stack of pancakes with fruit for breakfast" (我很喜欢早饭时点一份水果煎饼堆)

- "The wrappers for these dumplings are so delicate" (这些饺子皮做得很嫩滑)

- "This pad thai is amazing - the rice noodles are perfectly cooked" (这盘泰式炒粉很棒——米粉煮得刚刚好)

- "I always order congee when I'm feeling sick - it's so comforting" (我生病时都爱喝粥,感觉特别舒服)

- "The shaobing here is a must-try dish" (这里的烧饼是一道必点菜)


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