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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-12 05:30:14
  • 117


1. 词汇意义方面:起初英语翻译是指最初将一段文字从其他语言翻译为英语的过程。在这个过程中,翻译者需要理解原文的含义,选择合适的英语词汇来表达原文的意思。


- Initially, the Chinese article was translated into English by a professional translator.

- The company entrusted the translation of the contract to a team of experts in the field who provided an initial English translation.

- The initial English translation of the French novel didn't capture the nuances of the original text, so it had to be revised.

- After the initial English translation, the editor made some changes to improve the readability of the text.

- The student's initial English translation of the German poem was not very accurate, so the teacher provided some feedback.

2. 文体语气方面:起初英语翻译的文体和语气需要与原文保持一致,这意味着翻译者需要考虑原文的风格和表达方式,并用适当的英语词汇和语法来表达。


- The initial English translation of the Chinese poem was quite literal, which didn't do justice to the beauty of the original language.

- The translator tried to capture the same tone and style as the original Spanish novel in the initial English translation.

- The initial English translation of the Japanese manga failed to convey the humor and sarcasm of the original text.

- The translator had to adjust the language and tone in the initial English translation to match the target audience.

- The initial English translation of the Russian play had to be adapted to fit the cultural context of the English-speaking world.

3. 翻译技巧方面:起初英语翻译需要拥有一定的翻译技巧和经验,例如善于处理语言难点、具备文化背景知识、熟练掌握翻译工具等。


- The translator used a variety of translation techniques, such as paraphrasing, summarizing, and cultural adaptation, in the initial English translation of the Chinese article.

- The initial English translation of the Arabic document required a deep understanding of the cultural and linguistic differences between the two languages.

- The translator relied on machine translation as a starting point for the initial English translation, but then carefully edited and refined the text.

- The initial English translation of the technical manual had to be accurate and precise, requiring the translator to have specialized knowledge in the field.

- The translator faced many challenges in the initial English translation of the old mcript, but the final result was a masterpiece.

4. 翻译质量方面:起初英语翻译是整个翻译过程中的第一步,其质量往往决定了最终翻译的成功与否。因此,翻译者需要在起初英语翻译时尽可能精确、准确和流畅地表达原文的意思。


- The client was satisfied with the initial English translation of the French brochure and approved it for publication.

- The initial English translation of the German website was well-received by the target audience, leading to increased traffic and engagement.

- The publisher commissioned a professional translator to ensure the quality of the initial English translation of the Japanese novel.

- The initial English translation of the Chinese movie script was so good that it was later adapted into a successful English-language film.

- The quality of the initial English translation of the Spanish legal document was crucial for the success of the case.


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