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后藏用英语怎么说 后藏的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-14 12:21:19
  • 94

后藏用英语怎么说 后藏的英语翻译

后藏的英语可以这样说:Tsang,在日常中也可以翻译为"  Tsang",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到80个与后藏相关的译文和例句。

Saigo no chushingura The Last Chushingura ( 最后的忠臣藏 )

The Final Hiding Place ( 最后的藏身之处 )

After cold taste better ( 冷藏后口感更佳 )

1. i've found, after doing this for many, many years, that there's a magical world behind reality.

译文:在从事这项工作多年以后,我发现 现实的背后藏着一个魔幻的世界。

2. i'm pretty sure there's a Kal-El hiding in there somewhere.

3. What have you behind your back?

4. "Look what they've been hiding from you," he said.

5. if she'd take the blame and disappea you'd get ansel into the best cancer program in california and pay her a monthly wage to stay gone.

译文:如果她顶罪然后藏起来 你就让Ansel进加州最好的癌症治疗项目 然后每月给她一笔钱不让她出现。

6. - What are you hiding behind your back?

译文:给我看看你在背后藏了些什么 Et montrez -moi qu'est -ce que tu caches dans ton dos。

7. He looks at me, smiling and blinking, and he's got something behind his back.

8. And we had over 500 of these little pygmies hiding behind them.

9. And we had over 500 of these little pygmies hiding behind them.

10. We can. Let's set it up, and then we'll hide somewhere.

11. What is Parker Crane holding behind his back?

12. We're gonna sneak that Cube out of here and we're gonna hide it somewhere in the city.

13. He's hardly going to hang about writing all that on the door, then sliding it out of view where ody could find it, is he?

译文:他怎么可能把这些东西写在门上 然后藏在没有人能看见的角落呢。

14. So, if we hide the real sphere inside the isolation chamber, and pack this decoy transmitter so to speak, onto a Tug filled with cold-fusion bombs and lure her out to the salt flats.

译文:所以,如果我们能把这个真的球体藏在一个隔离室里 然后藏一台诱饵信号发射机在比如说,在一台牵引机里 牵引机里再装上冷聚变,把蜂后引到外面的盐湖滩上。

15. i am that man behind the curtain.


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