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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-11 11:27:54
  • 70


1. Ancestor (n.) - a person, typically one more remote than a grandparent, from whom one is descended; commonly used in genealogy and family history studies.

Example: She traced her family tree back to her ancestors who came to America from Ireland in the early 1800s.

2. Conserve (v.) - to protect (something, especially an environmentally or culturally important place or thing) from harm or destruction; to preserve or save.

Example: The national park service works to conserve wildlife habitats and protect endangered species.

3. Degrade (v.) - to treat or regard (someone) with contempt or disrespect; to reduce (something) in worth or value.

Example: It is wrong to degrade people based on their race, gender, or ual orientation.

4. Erode (v.) - to gradually wear away or lessen (something), especially rock or soil.

Example: Over time, the steady flow of water eroded the riverbank and caused the soil to wash away.

5. Fanaticism (n.) - excessive and uncritical zeal or enthusiasm, especially for a religious or political cause.

Example: The cult leader inspired fanaticism among his followers, who were willing to do anything to support him.

6. Garment (n.) - an item of clothing, especially a coat or dress.

Example: She wore a beautiful silk garment to the party that was admired by everyone.

7. Hysterical (adj.) - deriving from or affected by uncontrolled extreme emotion, especially laughter, fear, or panic.

Example: When she heard the news, she became hysterical and started screaming and crying uncontrollably.

8. Inhospitable (adj.) - not welcoming or friendly to visitors or guests.

Example: The harsh, cold climate of the Arctic is inhospitable to most forms of life.

9. Jubilant (adj.) - feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph.

Example: The fans were jubilant after their team won the championship game.

10. Luminous (adj.) - full of or shedding light; bright or shining, especially in the dark.

Example: The luminous moon lit up the night sky, it possible to see even without a flashlight.

11. Mediocre (adj.) - of only average quality; not very good.

Example: Her performance was mediocre and did not impress the judges.

12. Nourish (v.) - to provide with the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition.

Example: A balanced diet is necessary to nourish the body and maintain good health.

13. Obsession (n.) - the state of being obsessed with someone or something; an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind.

Example: Her obsession with cleanliness led her to clean her house obsessively every day.

14. Penetrate (v.) - to enter or go through something; to pierce or puncture.

Example: The bullet penetrated the wall and hit the target on the other side.

15. Quench (v.) - to satisfy (one's thirst or desire); to put out (a fire or flame).

Example: After the long hike, he drank a large bottle of water to quench his thirst.

16. Replenish (v.) - to refill or restock (something); to supply (something) again.

Example: She went to the store to replenish her supply of groceries for the week.

17. Subordinate (adj.) - lower in rank or position; secondary; less important.

Example: The manager oversees the work of his subordinate employees.

18. Tactful (adj.) - having or showing tact; considerate and discreet in dealing with others.

Example: A good diplomat must be tactful in handling delicate situations and avoiding diplomatic incidents.

19. Unanimous (adj.) - (of two or more people) fully in agreement; agreed upon by all.

Example: The jury reached a unanimous decision and agreed that the defendant was guilty.

20. Versatile (adj.) - able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities; flexible.

Example: She is a versatile actress who can play a wide range of roles and genres.

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