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人体生理用英语怎么说 人体生理英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-01 10:21:26
  • 120

人体生理用英语怎么说 人体生理英语翻译

人体生理用英语翻译为"human physiology",还经常被译作  Human Physiology,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到22个与人体生理相关的译文和例句。

1. human physiological reaction(人体生理反应)

3. hominal physiology([医] 人体生理学)

4. medichair(n. [医](装有电子传感器用以监测人体生理活动的)诊察椅)

5. human cytophysiology([细胞] 人体细胞生理学)

Human physiology MSc Human Physiology Human Physiology Human Physiology Human body physiology ( 人体生理学 基医 )

human physiological reaction ( 人体生理反应 )

Human circadian rhythms ( 人体生理节律 )

Elementa Physiologiaecorporis hu-mani ( 人体生理学原理 )

Physiologically relevant ( 模拟人体生理环境 )

Physiome Project ( 人体生理组学计划 )

1. For the human physiology... the effect of the water can be quite toxic as you have discovered.

译文:对于人体生理而言, 此水的功效可以有相当的毒性, 正如你所发现的那样。

2. i mean, the body is in my house.

3. And the electricity runs through your body too.

4. Physi-electrolytic conduit connected.

5. Welcome to Andy Ho Ho's "tit" art exhibit.

6. Medically, she's completely healthy.

7. i mean, it was... physical.

8. The body's basically a carbon unit... that makes about 20 different amino acids altogether... to formulate its physical structure.

译文:人体在根本上是碳结构组织 共有由20种不同的氨基酸 形成生理结构。

10. it's a fact of their biology.

11. That's just science. Physiology.

12. Cryogenics! Nice one, man!

13. Same physical attributes...

14. - Playground's closed. A man has his needs.

15. You know, if you think about human physiology as a vast global telephone network with interacting nodes and interacting pieces, then all of our medicinal chemistry is operating on one tiny corner at the edge, the outer edge, of that network.

译文:如果你将人体生理学 看成是一个巨大的全球的电话网络, 有着相互作用的节点和部分, 那么我们所有的化学药物加起来 也只是占据了 这个巨大网络的一个小小边角。


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