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burning out是什么意思 burning out的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-02 15:34:50
  • 930

burning out是什么意思 burning out的读音、翻译、用法


"Burning out"是一个常见的表达,意为身心疲倦,也有可能因为过度工作或压力过大而失去热情或动力。以下是五个方面的详细说明:

1. 意义:burning out 意味着在工作或生活中的某些方面经历了长时间的压力或过度劳累,并因此感到身心疲惫。这种状态可能会导致工作效率降低,情绪低落,甚至会产生身体亚健康状况。


- I've been working 80 hours a week for months, and I'm burning out.

- The constant pressure from my job is causing me to burn out.

- She burned out after years of trying to balance work and family responsibilities.

2. 原因:burning out的原因可能是工作过度,缺乏休息,长时间的压力和忧虑,以及没有足够的支持和帮助。这些因素会导致身体和心理疲惫。


- I think I'm burning out because I'm not getting enough sleep.

- The stress of my job is causing me to burn out.

- She burned out because she was trying to do everything on her own.

3. 正面的影响:通过认识到自己的疲惫并寻找适当的帮助和支持,burning out 状态可以变成一次机会,以寻找身心健康和幸福的方式。这可能会带来更高的效率,更好的工作表现,以及更为积极的态度。


- I took a few days off work to rest and recharge, and it really helped me avoid burning out.

- After burning out, she decided to make changes in her life that led to greater happiness and success.

- Recognizing the signs of burnout allowed me to make changes that improved my overall wellbeing.

4. 预防:借助积极的习惯和高效的自我管理,burning out 状态是可以预防的。这涉及到每周有足够的休息时间、寻找负责任的支持者、建立积极的工作场所文化、进行心理咨询,以及掌握放松技巧等。


- I make sure to schedule regular breaks throughout the day to avoid burning out.

- The company has implemented measures to prevent employee burnout, such as promoting work-life balance and providing access to mental health resources.

- I try to stay on top of my workload so that I don't feel overwhelmed and at risk of burning out.

5. 应对:如果发现已经处于 burnout状态, 需要及时采取相应措施。在这种情况下,需要寻求专业帮助、减少工作时间和/或更改工作负载、增加休息时间、参加运动和/或重建社交网络等。


- I realized I was burning out, so I decided to take a break from work and focus on self-care.

- She sought help from a the when she began experiencing symptoms of burnout.

- To avoid burning out, I make sure to find time for hobbies and socializing outside of work.

总的说来, burning out不仅对身体健康有害,还可能对个人和工作带来负面影响。了解如何预防和应对 burnout是至关重要的。



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